Red Clover And Breast Cancer - Is It Safe Or A Threat?

Indications are that red clover extract can behave in such a manner as to inhibit estrogen, but also increase the production and spread of ER positive breast cancer cells.

Now this is where it gets confusing.

Because it seems that, depending on the situation, this herb can either promote or prevent cancer.

An isoflavone present in red clover called biochina a is believed to protect the body from developing breast cancer. So far nothing is written in stone because there still have to be more studies done to evaluate and determine whether or not this information is accurate.

On the other hand, it has been shown that when it comes to prostate cancer, red clover actually prevented the growth and development of normal prostate cells, and took things a step further by increasing the resistance of cancerous prostate cells to high dose radiation.

So for patients with prostate cancer, the last thing they want to do is take red clover.

In favor of red clover, there is a theory that isoflavones protect against breast cancer, as with biochina a, but there is still the possibility that they can have an adverse effect on breast tissue, leading to the development of this type of cancer.

In at least one study, indications are that the effects of red clover's isoflavone supplement did not add to mammography breast density, compared to other studies in which it has shown that hormone replacement treatments do increase mammography breast density.

Let's clear this up: mammographic breast density has been tied to the risk of breast cancer. Other evidence shows that breast density increases when a woman has hormone replacement therapy (hrt) and will then decrease when such therapy is stopped.

Also, in the interest of their own protection, women with a history of breast cancer, which also includes those who have undergone major breast surgery, should not take it.

Indications are that HRT is tied into a greater risk for breast cancer and also an increase in mammography breast density.

Soy and phytoestrogens have been proposed as potential natural alternatives to HRT, but none of this has been proven as yet.

However, it is worth stressing that there is still a strong likelihood that red clover and breast cancer are linked together.

It is usually recommended that patients with hormone-sensitive cancers not take red clover because it can raise estrogen levels. These include estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Patients suffering from any estrogen-sensitive diseases should avoid the herb too. In other words, play it safe. Until further studies are completed, this is the best advice that can be given.

To learn more about red clover and breast cancer, as well as reviews on supplements for women in menopause, please visit my website today.

Ruolan is an advocate and researcher on the benefits of all natural supplements for menopausal symptoms. Visit her website to learn well-researched facts and her honest reviews on menopause supplements on the market.

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