Understanding Breast Cancer Causes: The Keys to Prevent the Disease

The causes of breast cancer and its prevention are probably the two major questions of every woman who are concerned about the disease. There are many myths surrounding this disease that are mistaken for facts. Some people believe that it cannot be prevented, and others believe that we cannot detect it through self examination. Those mistaken beliefs lead to confusion and even worsen the condition of the person suffering from breast cancer. To prevent it from occurring in the first place, we must know the causes and the risk factors. Gender and age are the two biggest risk factors. This type of cancer is more common in women over 50 years of age (around 65-70% of all cases). Race also plays a significant role; in the US, white women have a greater risk to develop the cancer than African American women.

If a woman has a history of cancer in one breast, the likelihood for the cancer to develop in other breast is increased by three to four times. Women who have a family history of breast cancer are also at greater risk. You should also be aware of any genetic changes and mutations that are passed along in your family. The disease is linked to the abnormal genes BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. Thus, women who inherit those abnormal genes, especially BRCA 1, should be more aware since they tend to develop the cancer at early age. Additionally, they are also at higher risk to develop ovarian cancer.

Hormonal factors also play a major role, too. Women whose period starts at early age (such as 11 years old or younger) and women who experience late menopause (such as 55 years old and older), are more likely to develop the cancer. Women who give birth before the age of 30 may be protected from breast cancer. On the contrary, women who never give birth at all are at higher risk.Besides child-bearing, breastfeeding is an important factor as well. Mothers who breastfeed their infants are less susceptible to cancer than those who do not.

Other lethal diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke are often linked to poor lifestyle and dietary habits. Breast cancer is not an exception. Women who consume alcohol regularly are at higher risk, depending on the amount consumed. On the other hand, it is believed that regular exercise may reduce the risk, although there is no definitive guide on how much exercise one should do. The risk is also higher in women who receive radiation therapy in the upper body to treat particular diseases before the age of 30, and those who are overweight.

Understanding the causes of breast cancer is very critical. It can help women to prevent the disease from ever happening. Do not let breast cancer take your whole life.

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The 6 Most Common Diagnostic Techniques For Breast Cancer in America

The United States has the highest rate of breast cancer in the world. Breast cancer in America is even indicated as the second most common cancer, after skin cancer. Since 1990, death rates have decreased by almost 30%. Nevertheless, it still causes a lot of death, not just in America, but also worldwide. In 2007, it was expected to cause 40,910 deaths in the US alone, which accounts for almost 2% of all death cases.

There are several risk factors for breast cancer in America which would be different from one area to another. Most of the cases in America are caused by the following factors: older age, menstruating at an early age, older age at first birth or have never given birth, a personal history of breast related diseases (both benign and malignant), radiation therapy on the chest/breast, estrogen or progesterone replacement therapy, or consumption of alcoholic beverages.

However, breast cancer in America seems to have a better prognosis and treatment system nowadays. Before treating the cancer patients, doctors should perform several tests or examinations on the patients, such as:

1. Physical exam and history: Physical examination is done to the whole body to check the general signs of health. A history of the patient's past illnesses and habits could be a reference for the doctor about how to treat the cancer if the patient is indeed suffering from the disease.

2. Mammography: This diagnostic technique utilizes low-energy X-rays to check for any abnormal masses in the breast.

3. Ultrasonography: After a mammogram, it is possible for your doctor to perform ultrasonography as well. This is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses ultrasound (sound waves with the frequency greater than 20,000 Hz).

4. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Like ultrasonography, MRI is also a complementary diagnostic technique. With this method, your doctor can determine which stage your cancer is at right now. Compared to X-ray, it works better at imaging augmented breasts.

5. Blood chemistry studies: A sample of your blood will be taken and tested for any anomalies. When someone has breast cancer, the breast tissue will release certain substances into the bloodstream at unusual amounts (either lower or higher than normal).

6. Biopsy: This is a test that involves the removal of a small part of the breast tissue for examination. The tissue sample is then observed under a microscope to check for any signs of cancer. There are four types of biopsies: excisional biopsy, incisional biopsy, core biopsy, and fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy.

The diagnostic techniques mentioned above are the most common screening methods for detecting breast cancer in America. For more information about this disease, please visit our website.

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How Digital Mammography Is Improving Breast Screening

Detecting breast cancer as early as possible is essential to breast care and to ensure that survival isn't a matter of luck but a matter of science. The best way to detect breast cancer is with a mammography and digital mammography is the most accurate method available today. The main reason for this is because computers aid in the diagnostic phase and are able to detect cancers much sooner than other methods and years before they can be felt as a lump.

The general rule of thumb is that you should have mammograms each year once you turn 40. They also state that a baseline mammogram should be taken when you're around thirty-five as this will be the one all other mammograms are compared to. Having all mammograms digital will make for the most accurate baseline as well as comparisons as well. Even though these guidelines have been suggested for years, you have to do things differently if you're in a high-risk category.

If there is a history of breast cancer in your family, especially if someone in your immediate family such as your mother, grandmother or sister has had breast cancer this places you in a high risk group. If you don't know your family history, for instance if you lost your mother at a young age, the best way is to assume you're in a high-risk group which changes the guidelines significantly. Instead of having a baseline digital mammogram when you're thirty-five, have one when you're thirty instead. To be on the safe side, you'll want to start having your yearly mammograms when you reach 35 as those in the high-risk category have higher chances of developing breast cancer much younger as well.

An added suggestion for those in high risk groups is to have a mammogram done twice a year after age forty as well. With digital mammography and a good baseline to compare with, any changes noticed by the technologist can be examined sooner and a core biopsy with a breast MRI can be done immediately to see if the change is benign or malignant. Catching things early enables doctors to cut out the problem area without having to resort to more drastic measures such as a mastectomy.

Since there is currently no way to vaccinate against breast cancer, detecting it early is the best way to survive it. Take every precaution possible such as doing self-exams regularly, getting breast cancer screening exams and having digital mammograms done to ensure that if you do develop breast cancer, it's caught early.

Breast care is extremely important for woman of any age but many simply don't think about how exams can literally save their lives. The Porter Breast & Mammogram Center at Porter Adventist Hospital is leading the way in breast cancer screening and treatment.

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Facts You Might Not Be Aware Of About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer in women has been on the decline and this is being related to more awareness and early screening. Cancer of the breast is the leading cause of death in women followed by lung cancer. More cases of this cancer have been reported in the developed counties compared to the developing countries. Out of every 36 deaths in women, one of them is likely to have died from cancer of the breast. According to the American Cancer Society, around 1.3 million women world wide are diagnosed with the cancer and 465,000 women die due to the disease.

It occurs when the damaged cells or the cells that are supposed to die off start to multiply uncontrollably causing a mass known as a tumor. The tumor can form in the ducts or the lobules in both men and women but more common in women. The best way to detect cancer of the breast early is by going for regular mammograms. This is an x ray of the breast.

Treatment of cancer will depend on the stage, rate of growth of the tumor, its size and the stage. Some of the treatment options include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. Treatment can also involve multiple therapies. Early detection of breast cancer is important because treatment will be more effective. This together with proper treatment will also reduce the chances of death from the condition.

According to statistics by the National Cancer Institute, although all women can get breast cancer, the risk is higher with not only age but also race. 77% of reported cases of cancer of the breast are usually of women over the age of 50. They also conclude that;

Cancer of the breast is likely to be detected late in African American women making their death rates higher compared to white women. However, the death rates for white women over the age of 70 are higher than those of African women of the same age.

In the United States, white, African American women and Hawaiian women have the highest incidences of developing invasive breast cancer compared to Vietnamese, Korean and American Indian women.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, white women have the highest incidences of this cancer followed by black, Hispanic, Asian and American Indians. Black women have the higher rates of death from the cancer followed by white, Hispanic, American Indians and Asian women.

Emma Wanjiku is an experienced writer and publisher who focusses/reports on issues affecting you. Her research is based on aspects and topics of life that matter. She is a trained journalist. For daily health tips and fitness information, access her health site at http://www.emmalifetips.com/

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How the Internet Can Help Breast Cancer Patients

Hearing "I'm afraid it's cancer" from the doctor is probably among the top 5 things nobody wants to go through. However, cancer is no longer a death sentence and there's hope. Many people survive cancer every year, and the support systems for cancer patients and their families get better and better. The Internet can be a great channel to learn more about this disease and help you find alternative ways of coping with it.

Understanding Breast Cancer

Many people find reassuring to know as much as possible about the disease, treatment and other hard data that it's easily available online from reputed medical sources. While you should always be able to talk with your doctor about your treatment and prognosis, sometimes it's easier to first ask a computer from the comfort of your home and access the great library that is the Internet by yourself. If you are unsure about what is a reliable source you can ask your doctor, or access the website of a cancer support group that operates on your area. This way you'll be able to know everything you need about what's afflicting you, and what to expect from the treatment.

Research on Alternative Therapies

While looking for medical advice online is not a good idea, and you should always listen to medical professionals about your condition, the Internet offers a lot of possibilities in terms of alternative medicine to help with some serious side effects from cancer treatment. You may want to research herbs and other natural products that can help with nausea and discomfort associated with chemotherapy, and some people report that they feel better after acupuncture sessions. Always talk to your doctor before taking any herb or alternative medicine, as they may be not compatible with your medication.


One of the best ways of remembering that the battle against cancer can be won is by sharing your history with others who have already been there. You can find inspiring histories online from people who are dealing with the same things as you, or have successfully got rid of the disease. Support groups can also be a great help if it's not you, but a family member, who has been diagnosed, as you'll be able to ask questions from others who are or have been in the same situation and may provide helpful advice, from seemingly silly stuff such as what to pack on overnight hospital bags to medical insurance checklists and advice about how to get economical support from people like you.

Many people use the Internet to motivate themselves to keep fighting, from participating on support groups online to just reading inspirational breast cancer quotes when they are feeling down, and anything in between. Join them and arm yourself with all the tools you can use to win this battle!

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The Controversy Over Screening Mammogram

The mortality rate from breast malignancy in the United States has decreased by 31% between 1990 and 2007. Most of this success is attributed to screening mammogram. Improved medical treatments have helped to a lesser degree. As expected, the key to long survival after cancer diagnosis is to discover it early and then to eradicate it with surgical excision. Once the cancer has spread, no amount of drugs can cure it. In the case of breast cancer, the key to early detection is screening mammogram (and physical exam).

The evidence for screening mammogram comes from several large studies from many European countries as well as the United States. The largest randomized controlled trial was conducted in Sweden. This result was recently published by author László Tabár and colleagues (Swedish Two-County Trial: Impact of Mammographic Screening on Breast Cancer Mortality during 3 Decades, in the journal Radiology, volume 260, pages 658-663, September 2011). A total of 133,065 women aged 40-74 years were randomly assigned into a group invited to mammographic screening and a control group receiving the usual care. After 29 years of follow-up, the study shows a 31% reduction in breast cancer mortality in women invited to screening. The authors calculate that screening 300 women for 10 years prevents one death from breast tumor. Many experts think that the benefit of screening mammography is even greater in women who actually undergo testing compared to those women who do not. This is because in the large population studies like the Swedish report above, some women invited to screen did not have mammogram. On the other hand, women not invited also had mammogram, but to a lesser degree.

Yes, it is true that sometimes screening mammogram can pick up some findings, which lead to biopsies, that turn out to be benign or just pre-cancer. Yes, this would cause anxiety, discomfort, and would cost some healthcare money. Critics call this "over-diagnosis". This is because we have no perfect test that can tell will absolute 100% accuracy in each person which mammogram finding is bad invasive cancer and which is not. Screening mammogram can also find tiny cancers, that then get treated with surgery, maybe even radiation and anti-estrogen pills or chemotherapy. Critics call this "over-treatment". This is because we have no perfect test that can tell will absolute 100% accuracy in each person which tiny cancer will kill without treatment, and which would be fine left alone. But the bottom line is that despite these imperfections, screening mammogram still significantly saves lives. The current recommendation still stands, and it is annual screening mammogram starting at age 40. Each woman needs to decide for herself whether she wants to have a test proven to reduce breast cancer mortality by 31%, over the inconvenience of "over-diagnosis" and the possible side effects of "over-treatment".

Dr. Mai Brooks is a surgical oncologist/general surgeon, with expertise in early detection and prevention of cancer. More at http://www.drbrooksmd.com/, http://thecancerexperience.wordpress.com/.

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What You Should Know About Older Women and Breast Cancer

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and I had a question from one of my clients about why should she worry about breast cancer "at her age?" We devote a lot of press to mothers and daughters and sisters and spouses, but what about grandmothers and great-grandmothers? What I am going to share with you in this posting may seem a bit of a surprise, because we tend to focus a lot of our attention on women who are in their prime when we think about breast cancer. We may even think that older - and very post-menopausal - women need not be as concerned about a medical risk often associated with hormonal activity.

There has been research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering that basically says that regular testing works as well if not better for older patients as it does for younger patients, because if the cancer is caught early - and therefore small - these women have a very favorable prognosis. In other research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston doctors followed about 65,000 women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer using Medicare data alongside women without breast cancer who numbered 170,000. Women over 65 who were diagnosed in this group with what is called ductal cell carcinoma in situ and stage I cancer - what they refer to as DCIS - were just as likely to survive for the study period of eight years as those without this diagnosis. Now, this is the amazing part. The women who were diagnosed before 80 years of age actually lived a bit longer than women who did not have breast cancer.

Treatment decisions can be complicated for older patients. And it is mostly because older patients tend to have other medical issues going on which providers refer to as co-morbidities. As we get older, we may also have high blood pressure, diabetes, or something else. In other research physicians have found that more conservative, non-surgical, non-radiation, even non-chemotherapy can be effective. But again, it comes down to early detection to avoid the complications of a more aggressive cancer.

Even if we just come out and say women who got breast exams were just taking better care of themselves, early detection seems to be working better for older women than their younger counterparts. And, of course, we should take the larger lesson that early diagnosis and treatment are incredibly important for any elder for whom we are caregivers. When I first looked into breast cancer and older patients I actually thought I was going to find professionals suggesting it is not as essential to have breast exams as patients get older. The research seems to be saying that doctors ought to be talking to their female patients at every age, because stage II and stage III patients did not fair as well. Talk to your provider to see what is optimal for the age of the elder for whom you care.

Charlotte Bishop is a Geriatric Care Manager and founder of Creative Case Management, certified professionals who are geriatric advocates, resources, counselors and friends to older adults and their families. Please email your questions to Charlotte Bishop.

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The Newly Discovered Link Between The Green Lipped Mussel and Breast Cancer

Cancer, one of the deadliest diseases in the world, is one of the most frightening too. Since the number of cancer patients all over the world is constantly increasing, scientists in the medical field are sparing no expenses in looking for a cure, specifically looking at the connection between the Green Lipped Mussel and Breast Cancer.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers right now and the number of sufferers continues to go up. Since there are few choices on cancer treatment, every little help that these people can get are valued. That is why scientists are studying the link between green lipped mussel and breast cancer.

Recently, there have been positive studies linking the beneficial relationship between green lipped mussel and breast cancer. At first, you may think this is somewhat impossible, but it is true. This kind of mussel is said to boost cancer survival rate. This is because it contains high amounts of antioxidants that can reduce the free radicals in the human body that can cause damage to our genetic structure or in other words, can cause cancer. This kind of mussel is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that hinder the appearance of cancer cells.

The mussel contains lypo-oxygenase enzymes, which are great in inhibiting breast cancer. In addition, the good thing about the mussel is that it is not painful for the patients who take it. It also does not create harsh side effects unlike other medications and treatments.

The mussel extract is very effective in preventing cancer but it is also not bad at treating the cancer as well. It is a great antioxidant, which can help the body remove bad toxins that can later become damaging to your health.

The best way to acquire all the great benefits from the mussel is to take it as fresh as possible. There are also good manufactured supplements of this mussel that you can find in the market.

Arthritis sufferers have used the green lipped mussel supplement for some time now and the mussel sure does deliver. This natural product is very good for people who prefer not to take pharmaceuticals, which can lead to all sorts of unwanted side effects.

The link between the green lipped mussel and breast cancer has still yet to be proven but if you are planning to try this supplement, make sure you ask a professional's advice first to avoid any adverse side effects. The known side effects of these products are abdominal pains, diarrhea and gout that can last up to three days.

For optimal health, we have been using a special green lipped mussel formula and for good reason, as the quality of this formula is guaranteed. We have been personally using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other green lipped mussel formulas at Green Lipped Mussel Interactions.

William Lin is the manager of a series of health websites. His latest addition discusses the green lipped mussel formula that he and the editors consume. For more information on green lipped mussel, pain relief, anti-oxidants as a whole, check out http://green-lippedmussel-interactions.com/

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Amazing Discovery in Cancer Research

It is well known that Cancer is a most atrocious disease, in that it has caused the death of tens of millions of people throughout the world. Indeed, the number of death cause by the disease in the past decade is in the hundreds of millions. Too many people have died from this terrible disease and too many more have been affected. This situation is simply UNACCEPTABLE. Countries should no longer stay indifference to this dehibilitating disease that is wiping out a great number of their population. While there have been great strides and great achievements in the area of Cancer Research, it is imcomprehensible to me why there has not been a solution to this disease.

There is one area of cancer research that has produced some good results. This is in the area of helping cancer patients to reverse the disease by eliminating the cancer cells. Ironically, this same method is also very effective in helping people from developing the disease in the first place. Among the most treatable types of cancer are prostate cancer and breast cancer. This is all done without chemotherapy. Basically scientist have discovered that a compound commonly found in red wine called Resveratrol has helped patients of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Resveratrol is a natural compound that comes from fruits such as grapes, berries, nuts, and others. The source of Resveratrol is very important because it comes in different strengths. Grapes is considered to be the best source of Resveratrol, and the best liquid form of that is in Red Wine.

Another major organ of the body that is helped significantly by Resveratrol is the liver. Liver problems and liver cancer occurs mainly through toxins and chemicals that infects the liver and adversely impact the cells in the liver. This condition does cause the liver to shrink gradually. Resveratrol has been shown to be effective in treating patients with liver problems. It does this by cleaning out the toxins that infects the liver cells and flush them out of the body.

The key to cancer is in the cells, the primary question is: how do you eliminate the tumors without wiping out the entire or a significant amount of cells in the organ? Cellular therapy is therefore in this method better than traditional chemotherapy which kills a significant amount of cells. With Resveratrol, scientists and doctors specializing in the field of cancer treatment are able to produce anti-tumor activity in the affected cell area. In a research published in CANCER LETTERS in Feb 2001, Charis Eng, MD, Ph.D., Chair of the Genomic Medicine Institute of Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute, led her team to study the effect of combining resveratrol, a chemopreventive drug found in many natural compounds, with rapamycin on breast cancer cells.

Rapamycin has been in clinical trials as a drug for cancer treatment, it has had some effects as a suppresant to tumor growth, but unfortunately, after a while the cancer cells developed a resistance to the drug. So, the scientists in this study combined Resveratrol with Rapamycin in the treatment of breast cancer. The results were very interesting. This is what Dr Eng had to say about the results:

"Our findings show that resveratrol seems to mitigate rapamycin-induced drug resistance in breast cancers, at least in the laboratory. If these observations hold true in the clinic setting, then enjoying a glass of red wine or eating a bowl of boiled peanuts -- which has a higher resveratrol content than red wine -- before rapamycin treatment for cancer might be a prudent approach."

The scientific community has know for years that Resveratrol found in red wine has tremendous benefits for the heart, which explains the low rate of death from heart attacks in European countries like France and Italy, as opposed to Americans. Now, with the finding that this same compound, can help treat breast cancer patients and prostate cancer patients, doctors are now equipped with some natural ways to help reverse the illness and naturally eliminate cancer cells.

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Interesting Facts About Human Hair Wigs

Human hair wigs are everywhere these days. You can find them in shopping malls, boutiques, salons and even on your favorite TV show. Seeing various types of wigs is really a feast to the eyes. There are numerous reasons why women love to wear wigs.

Some wear wigs because they want to get a new look every now and then without the need of expert stylists from the salon. Others may have undergone therapy or are suffering from extreme hair loss which is why they wear wigs. Isn't it amazing how easily these major changes can now be done these days?

Oftentimes, those who wear wigs are looking for those that are easy to use and ones that fit perfectly on them. Aside from that, these women also want wigs that are natural looking. Due to this reason, human hair wigs are what they should use.

These wigs don't look artificial; they actually look like real hair! What's good about these wigs is that they don't have to look the same all the time. If you want to change the way they look, you can easily style them, cut them or color them just the way you like it. How long can a wig last? Actually, it depends upon how it is taken care of.

If a wig is properly styled, shampooed and conditioned, it will surely last for a long time. If you are planning to buy your very own human wig, then you should be prepared for its cost because it usually doesn't come out cheap. When compared to synthetic wigs, these wigs are more costly. You also need to equip yourself with the knowledge on how to take care of your wig properly so that you can extend its life span. Are you wondering how real wigs look like?

Most of the time, these wigs have nylon mesh caps attached to them. However, this construction still varies for every manufacturer.

If what you're looking for is a wig that looks very natural, then you must always look for one that is tied to a monofilament top wig cap. You should specify this to the salesperson of the store in which you plan to buy one. Did you know that a wig may also be brushed?

This is because it is composed of hairs that are hand tied. This means it can move in almost any way possible. If you want to get several styles out of your wig, you can do so with the use of a flat iron, curlers and a blow drier. When you look around the market, you will notice that these wigs are either unstyled, semi styled or styled. They also usually have extra hair in them so that they can be re-styled anytime. With all of these to offer, human hair wigs are clearly worth buying.

Find more valuable information about Human hair Wigs and to find a Human Hair Wig to suit your needs today visit Afuro Hair and Beauty.

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Effects Breast Cancer Can Have On Your Sex Life

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I thought I'd take a minute to remind you about boobs. Boobs are great! They fill out our favorite shirts, get us out of speeding tickets, and make us feel super-sexy in the Victoria's Secret teddy's we bought during their winter clearance sale. But do you know what isn't great about boobs? They're prone to getting cancer. Now, we've all been told about the dangers and effects of cancer, but no one really tells you about the effect it can have on your social life- Especially your sex life.

So strap yourselves in, because you're about to get hit with the harsh reality of what will happen to your love life if you don't check your boobs on a regular basis!

Shitty Things Breast Cancer Does To Your Sex Life

Low Libido

The biggest side effect breast cancer has on your sex life, is that you simply don't want one! Your body shuts down the endorphins you get when you have sex, so instead of feeling amazing while you do it, you feel like you're doing a chore. You don't get pleasure when you put a toothbrush in your mouth, and now you won't get pleasure when you put a P in your V.


You know those long days where you get home from work, fix your kids dinner, get them ready for bed, do the rest of the work you catch up on, then have to drag yourself up to bed? And you know how little you feel like having sex when you're that tired? Imagine being that tired all. the. time. Even when you've done nothing but lay down all day, you're still that tired. Chances are you won't have the energy to have sex. And we're not just talking about on that Thursday night of what seemed like the longest week ever. We're talking all the time. You'll generally be just to damn tired to bang.

Vaginal Dryness

Instead of feeling like the hot insert-your-age-here year old you are, you'll feel like a dried up grandmother downstairs. Not only will it feel uncomfortable to have sex like that, but because you're not producing natural lube, it's likely to be painful for both of you.

Breast Appearance

You know those days when you feel like your body looks weird and you just don't want the guy you're dating to see you naked? Well imagine how you would feel if your boobs had giant scars across them. Or they didn't have nipples. Or your boobs were missing all together.

Obviously there are more important reasons to check your breasts than your sex life, but whatever your reason is, get checked early and get checked often!

http://womenfindingmen.com/ is a website dedicated to the health, love lives, and entertainment interests of women around the world. Whether it's tips on how to approach someone you're interested online, or the reality of why someone like Kim Kardashian has a better life than you, WomenFindingMen is a great place to get all the advice and help you need.

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Learn The Causes Of Breast Cancer To Stay Away From The Disease

So far, scientists haven't found the exact causes of breast cancer. However, they have identified some risk factors that can increase the likelihood that a person will develop this disease. Learning the causes of breast cancer is essential to help you stay away from the disease. If you think that you are at risk, you should consult your doctor immediately for examination. Here are the risk factors that you should know:

1. Gender: This is considered as the biggest risk factor of breast cancer. This disease commonly occurs in women and that's why being a woman means that you have a higher chance of suffering from this disease.

2. Age: This cancer can happen at any age. However, it is uncommon in women younger than 35 unless they have family history of this cancer. Mostly, breast cancer occurs in women at the age of 50 and this disease is the main causes of death of women between 40-45 years old.

3. Personal history of cancer: A woman who suffered from breast cancer before has a greater chance of developing new cancer in the future. She may develop cancer in the same breast or in the other breast. The risk refers to the development of new tumor and not the return of the previous cancer.

4. Genetic Causes: Family history also plays an important role; you should check both your mother's side and your father's side of the family. Mother, daughter and sister are considered as the first-degree relatives and they contribute higher risk of this cancer. Meanwhile, second-degree relatives like aunt and grandmother also increase cancer risk. The risk will also be higher if you have a relative who develops this cancer in both breasts and suffers from the disease at a young age. About 5-10% breast cancer cases are caused by genetic factors but unfortunately testing for the genes is very expensive. If you are interested in testing your genes, you had better discuss with your health-care provider first.

5. Hormonal Causes: There are many types of hormonal changes that may influence the development of the disease. Women who start their periods at younger age and those who haven't got any children before the age of 30 have higher risk of suffering from this cancer. Women in postmenopausal stage also have an increased risk of the cancer.

6. Lifestyle and Dietary Causes: Poor dietary habits and obesity are other risk factors of the disease. Women who consume alcohol also have higher chance of having this cancer. The risk will increase when someone consumes large amounts of alcohol every day.

Let us help you identify the causes of breast cancer so that you can develop a healthier lifestyle from today.

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Breast Cancer Risk Factors for Women

Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in American women, with the exception of skin cancer. While some risk factors can be eliminated through changes in lifestyle, others are not so easy to overcome. Understanding your risk for developing breast cancer is essential for early detection and diagnosis.

There is no known cause of breast cancer. However, we do know that there are certain risk factors that are linked to this disease. Simply having one or more of these factors does not mean that you will develop this type of cancer. Understanding your risks can empower you to make lifestyle changes and become vigilant about administering self breast exams and scheduling your routine mammogram.

Gender and age play a big role in determining your risk for breast cancer. Women are much more likely to develop this disease than men. In fact, only about 1% of all diagnosed cases involve men. Breast cancer is most commonly found in women ages 55 and over. Routine screening becomes even more important as we age.

If you have a mother, sister, or daughter who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you are at a higher risk for developing this disease as well. However, it is important to keep in mind that a large percentage of women who are diagnosed, have no family history. Researchers have found that a familial mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can not only put you at a higher risk of developing breast cancer, but other cancers as well.

Breast cancer is found more often in women who have had no children or did not have their first child until after the age of 30, than those who birthed children at a younger age. If you began menstruation before the age of 12 or experienced menopause after the age of 55, you are at a higher risk for developing this type of cancer.

We all know that being overweight is unhealthy. Those women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) higher than 25 are at a higher risk for breast cancer than those women who maintain a lower BMI, especially after menopause. Extra fat cells, especially those around the waist, mean more estrogen in the body, which may help cancer cells grow. Losing weight and exercising can be difficult but it is essential to maintain a healthy weight throughout your lifetime.

Eating a healthy diet will not only help you manage your weight, but may also boost your immune system and help to keep your risk of cancer as low as possible. Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Try to limit your fat intake and make healthy choices when eating out. While more research is needed, studies suggest that what we eat and how much we eat may affect our chances of developing breast cancer.

If you are a smoker or drink more than one alcoholic beverage a day, you should stop. Smoking and drinking in excess are linked to many types of cancer. Consult your physician for valuable information and tips on quitting smoking.

If you are concerned about any of these risk factors, talk with your physician. He or she may make recommendations for early diagnostic screenings or assist you with implementing lifestyle changes. With new treatments and early diagnosis, we are better able to find and treat breast cancer so that women have an increased chance for a complete recovery.

Laura Mims is a writer for FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital, which specializes in oncology, cancer care and cancer treatment in Pinehurst, North Carolina.

Original article

Breast Cancer: Be Proactive, Not Reactive

On September 26, 2011, my grandmother (on mother's side) would have celebrated her 84th birthday. It would have been amazing to see her celebrate this day, because she was a fun-loving party girl (I am putting this mildly). However, her life was cut short by breast cancer at the age of 62. I was 13 at that time. The doctors said the cause of her illness was genetic triggered by environmental factors. Since it was genetic, my mother, aunt and I may have inherited the gene. Therefore, we always did breast exams when we felt a pain or something strange in our breasts.

For a long time, I wondered what environmental factors could have triggered my grandmother's genes to cause cancer in her body. Since she was born and lived on the islands all her life, she had a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood. She also did a total body cleanse every week and made us participate in her awful concoction of freshly picked aloes and other natural herbs (sorry, I am having a mental flashback that is upsetting my stomach). Therefore, her diet could not have contributed to her illness. So who or what was the culprit?

Based on studies such as the relationship between the intake of metals such as Aluminum found in cookware and deodorants, and breast cancer, I thought "Aha" this might be the culprit because she did prepare her meals in Aluminum pots. However, I am not sure about the deodorant since I don't remember the brand she used. Therefore, I decided to stop using any products with Aluminum. Then recently, I heard a report on the connection between breast cancer and the type of bra we wear. The report stated that bras with underwire may be linked to breast cancer, and I thought back to my grandmother. She wore large underwire bras, because she was a voluptuous woman and needed a lot of frontal and back support.

After this report, I have come to the conclusion that I may never know which environmental factor may have triggered my grandmother's genes to produce cancer in her body. What I do know that our exposure to so many different environmental factors increase our risk to breast cancer each year. We have all experienced the loss of a loved (either a relative or friend) through breast cancer, and yet some of us are not taking the precautionary measures to prevent this illness in our own life. The combination of our diets and the products that we use and wear is increasing our risk of getting this illness. We have to be proactive about our health, and not reactive. Don't wait until you feel a lump or pain to change your lifestyle, change it today.

Here are some things, you can do:

1. Eat healthy; incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants and fiber in your diet. Antioxidants are known to fight free radicals which contribute to growth of cancer cells. Fruits such as pomegranate, acai berry, noni, goji and mangosteen are high in antioxidants. Also, a high fiber diet promotes natural elimination, which we should be doing daily to remove waste and toxins from our body.

2. Detox your body regularly (at least once a week); use natural products.

3. Change the products you use to environmentally-friendly and natural products such as green cleaning products, non-toxic cookware (preferably stainless steel).

4. Change the type of bra you use; if you use underwire bras, then it is time to purchase new bras. Your bra should allow proper blood circulation under and around the breast, as well as provide proper back support.

5. Spread the word about Breast Cancer. Don't wait until Breast Cancer Awareness month to get involved. This disease does not wait until a specific month to attack our family and friends. Everyday someone we know is dealing with the effects of breast cancer. Help your family and friends to be proactive about their health. Host a monthly party or participate in a local event to promote awareness and change.

Chalesea Maccow teaches healthy lifestyle classes to individuals and groups. She is also a distributor of nutritional products such as Le'vive, Ultracleanse, and Cranaloe, under garments (healthy bras- no underwire) and environmentally-friendly products such as cookware and cleaning products. For additional information, email maccow.mpenterprises@gmail.com

Original article

What Boomer Women Should Know About Breast Cancer

The American Cancer Society expects that 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2011, 57,650 new cases of CIS (the non-invasive form of breast cancer), and that about 39,520 women will die from breast cancer. That's too many! What should Boomer women know about prevention?

There has been much publicity about Vitamin D of late. Now studies have shown that the mighty vitamin D can also help protect all of us Baby Boomer women against breast cancer.

I encourage every woman to check her vitamin D level regularly and keep it in the optimal range. Based upon the outdated requirements for this important vitamin, which have recently been increased, "normal" is not the same as optimal. Many of us have been told by our physician for years that our vitamin D levels are normal. It's time to get them checked against the newer "optimal" standards.

Most docs today now recommend supplementing with 2,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day, as well as getting as much from your diet as you can. I know it's hard to get all you need from food. Fatty fish like Salmon, herring, catfish and halibut are good sources, but if you don't like fish it can be difficult to find high levels of this important vitamin in other foods.

There is another easy way to optimize our vitamin D. Make sure you are getting plenty of regular, safe, sun exposure. Believe it or not, the sun is actually the best source of vitamin D. The sun's UVB rays help our bodies manufacture vitamin D in the fat layer under the skin. Our own body can make all the vitamin D we need from regular sun exposure. We should spend about fifteen minutes showing some skin before we put on our sunscreen; exposing the skin is good for us as long as we don't burn.

There is also evidence that Vitamin K not only helps activate proteins that are involved in the structuring of bone mass, which is good news for all of us Baby Boomer women, but recent studies show it also has an anti-cancer effect; vitamin K has been used in the treatment of several different cancers, including breast cancer. You can get your vitamin K in swiss chard, kale, parsley and spinach, broccoli and cauliflower, brussels sprouts, liver, soybean oil and wheat bran. Many more choices here than with vitamin D, however, supplements are also available if you'd prefer.

Dietand Exercise are hugely important in preventing breast cancer. A study published in the " Journal of Clinical Oncology " reinforces previous findings that women with breast cancer greatly reduce their risk of recurrence by eating a healthy, plant-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and exercising regularly. This study, conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, tracked dietary patterns and exercise habits of nearly 1,500 women who were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Researchers found that the death rate for women who consumed a high-fiber diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and practiced good exercise habits, was 44% lower than the rate for women who exercised little and ate few plant-based foods. Almost half the risk, wow!

So, as my dear ol'gram used to say: "take your vities, eat all your veggies, and get plenty of fresh air!"

Best of Health,


Kathi Casey, The Healthy Boomer Body Expert provides weight loss tips, relief from Menopause Symptoms, Sciatic Nerve Pain Remedies and more: http://www.healthyboomerbody.com/

Original article