Why Do You Have Prescription For Hormone Therapy?

Breast cancer is one ailment common to most women. Never get the impression that being one from the male specie, you are exempted and free from this. In the most recent 2012 study conducted by the American Cancer Society, more than 2,000 men can be diagnosed with this illness which is usually associated to women. The good thing however with breast cancer is the prognosis that when diagnosed and treated early, the afflicted person's survival rate is high.

There are several ways to treat cancer, with mastectomy as the most invasive. Surgery is followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Further treatment after chemotherapy and radio therapy is hormone therapy. The last treatment method however is not prescribed to every breast cancer patient. You need to be tested positive with estrogen and progesterone receptors.

Your oncologist will order for a test of your hormone receptors. If your tumor is found to be estrogen positive (ER positive, ER+) or progesterone positive (progesterone positive, progesterone+), you can be placed under hormone therapy. ER/PR positive tumors are influenced by the levels of such hormones in the body. This can be good news to cancer patients because turning positive can make you more protected from recurrence of breast cancer. You will be prescribed with drugs that will block the estrogen and progesterone receptors on your breast cells.

The usual drug for ER+ and PR+ breast cancer is tamoxifen, the generic name. Many brands of tamoxifen are in the market today. The drugs come in 10 and 20-milligram tablets and had to be taken, once or twice a day, for 5 years. Tamoxifen is the most common hormone therapy treatment but a newer drug - Aromatase inhibitor is also prescribed, usually after the third year of taking tamoxifen. When Aromatase inhibitor is ingested, the use of tamoxifen is stopped.

Why do I have to take tamoxifen? This can be a usual query of patients. For breast cancer patients who had been tested positive for estrogen and progesterone receptors, the drug lowers the risk of recurrence of this cancer. The drug had been used for several decades in treating cancer of the breast and can be safety used by women of all ages, even those who are already in the menopausal stage. Used for 5 years, this drug can effectively lower the risk of breast cancer recurrence. If one of your breasts had been affected by the big C, the risk of the spread of cancer cells in the other breast is lower.

Just line most drugs, tamoxifen is not free from any side effects, most of which are not serious. Among these abnormal and annoying feelings that you can experience are vaginal dryness, hot flashes, thickening of the uterus, vaginal discharge and irritation. There are some more severe effects such as risks involving blood clot, stroke, cataract and ovarian cysts.

Despite the risks, it had been believed that the advantages in the use of tamoxifen outweigh the negatives. Thus, women with ER+ and PR+ hormone receptors are best advised to take the drug as a great solution in the prevention or recurrence of the dreaded Big "C" of the breast.

Felicitas Ramos is a cancer survivor. She has undergone mastectomy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. She is now in the best of health.

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Breast Cancer Diagnosis Methods

Doctors use many tests to diagnose cancer and find out if it has spread as well as decide the most effective treatments. Even though imaging tests like the mammogram and breast ultrasound can find a suspicious area, they cannot tell whether the area is cancer. For most types of cancer, a biopsy (the removal of a small amount of tissue for examination under a microscope) is the only way to make a definitive breast cancer diagnosis.

Breast cancer diagnosis cannot be done without a biopsy. The procedure of biopsy includes removing some cells from the suspicious area, either by a needle or via surgery, to observe them under a microscope. The type of biopsy depends on the size and location of the lump. If a biopsy is not possible, the doctor may suggest other tests that will help make a diagnosis.

Some of the tests done to confirm a diagnosis of breast cancer are:

• Diagnostic mammograms include taking x-rays are of the breast which are interpreted by a radiologist. Extra pictures focused on the suspicious area are also taken. Mammograms are usually a black-and-white picture of the breast tissue on a large sheet of film, but digital mammograms are another option which produces computer images instead of film. The images can be looked at from different angles, and the radiologist can enlarge and zoom in to look at any suspicious areas.

• Women who are known to be at high risk opt for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look for breast cancer in. It may also be used for a closer look after breast cancer has been found. An MRI can show if your lymph nodes are enlarged, which may be a sign that they contain cancer. This can help detect the cancer's stage even before surgery. MRI is sometimes used to look for breast tumors that did not show up on the mammograms.

• Breast ultrasound uses sound waves to make a computer picture of the inside of the breast and is used to target a certain area of concern that was found on the mammogram or physical exam. Ultrasound is useful for looking at some breast changes and also helps tell the difference between fluid-filled cysts and solid masses. There is no risk of exposure to radiation during this test.

• Ductograms are sometimes used to find the cause of nipple discharge. A ductogram is also called a galactogram. In this test, a small amount of dye is put into one of the ducts in the nipple through a tiny plastic tube which can be seen on an x-ray, which can show if there is a mass inside the duct.

Through his articles, Youngrin wishes to inform and educate the readers about breast cancer treatments which will benefit those who are looking for useful information, For treatment log on to breast cancer diagnosis

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Can Vitamin D Really Help Prevent Breast Cancer?

As time goes on, research is showing that vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) can be very influential towards helping prevent and treat certain types of cancer, and breast cancer is one on the list. What exactly does this all mean? Read on to find get the facts surrounding the latest research about the benefits of vitamin D in relationship to fighting breast cancer.

Studies show that vitamin D can help prevent cancers by approximately 77%, according to past research. Now, it is said to be able to help prevent breast cancer, and even aid in the reversal of breast cancer in the body. Knowing this, why does the cancer industry refuse to tell people about this?

If you live in an area where it is possible to get vitamin D from sunlight, it would be wise to spend the necessary time to soak up the benefits from nature's "miracle medicine". When sunlight hits the skin it will trigger the formation of vitamin D. It then activates cellular differentiation in the kidneys and liver, which is basically the opposite of what cancer does. Evidence is indicating that vitamin D DOES have a protective role in the fight against breast cancer.

How Much Time in The Sun in Necessary

If you can manage to soak up around 15 minutes of sunlight every day during the months when it is possible would likely give you a nice healthy dose of vitamin D. Remember, you don't need to walk around in a bikini or Speedo, but the more exposure to your skin the better. And sun block can prevent vitamin D from entering the body by blocking the necessary UV rays.

Studies have also shown that older women that do not get as much vitamin D as possible from foods are more likely to acquire breast cancer. So be sure to load up on foods high in vitamin D, like fatty fish, and sardines.

Being vitamin D deficient has many other health consequences. It is tied to so many other health ailments, and it makes sense to try and do whatever is possible to get the necessary amount so you can avoid many of the problems that arise from being deficient.

In summer months, you can get appropriate levels of vitamin D from the sun, but in those months when you can't it would be wise to supplement your vitamin D. The good news is that you can do that for a low cost.

For more great information about the vast health benefits of vitamin D, and to take a Vitamin D Quiz that can help you determine where you stand visit http://vitamindstrong.com/ right now.

Vitamin D has a wide array of benefits, and it is not something you want to become deficient of. The effects vitamin D has on breast cancer are undeniable, so be sure to take the time to educate yourself on the subject as much as possible.

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Symptom - Painful Lump in the Breast

What to do?

One of the scariest things that can happen to a woman. Normally one will call their regular doctor, a mammogram will be ordered, if there is any suspicion of malignancy then a fine needle biopsy will be performed...then many decisions will have to be a made.

But some people handle it differently...they first go to their nutritionist/alternative practitioner and begin a regime of supplementation for breast health and blood tests for cancer markers, most likely 19-9 and 27.29 and perhaps CA125. They should then be referred to someone who can perform a thermo-graphic image of the area and go over it with the specialist...likely it will show increased heat in the area and maybe in adjacent lymph nodes and a visit to the oncologist is recommended.

Often this type of patient will refuse the oncologist's mammogram due to concerns over mutating already possibly mutated cells with x-rays and they will refuse the fine needle biopsy for fear that when these needles are retracted that the cells from the inside of the lump will be spread to the systemic circulation upon withdrawal from the body, as it passes through many layers of tissues, all with broken blood vessels, from the insertion of the needle, ready to spread any possible malignant cells. The oncologist will ask to see the blood tests and especially the cancer markers that the nutritionist/alternative practitioner already received. If the oncologist is sympathetic, he or she will recommend an ultrasound image.

Often the needle biopsy is recommended in order to find out if the lump/tumor is benign or malignant. After all, Mrs. Jones needs to know if there is a need for surgical removal. If it's benign then it can be left in place and monitored for growth, but if it's malignant it must be removed, radiated or the use of chemotherapy would be induced. But if it is malignant then a biopsy may spread the ailment to the entire body.

A June 2004 report from the John Wayne Cancer Institute in California has rekindled a long-standing debate over whether or not needle biopsies are safe. The paper set out to examine whether this technique, widely used to obtain specimens in cases of suspected cancer, might itself allow malignant cells to spread from an isolated tumor to nearby lymph nodes. The authors reluctantly conclude that a needle biopsy may indeed increase the spread of the disease by 50 percent compared to patients who receive the more traditional excisional biopsies (or "lumpectomies").

The fact that the tumor we are talking about here is painful is not a good sign. Also, malignant tumors tend to not move around as much upon palpation (breast exam). If the ultrasound, thermography and physical exam all pointed toward malignancy, I would have it removed without a biopsy...just be sure the surgeon does NOT puncture or cut into the capsule that surrounds the growth upon removal. If it looks like a 50/50 scenario and the patient has already made serious nutritional changes and is taking supplementation and the cancer blood markers are not too high, I would wait and see if the body could heal itself and read Diane Summers' book! It does happen that people do cure themselves.

Now let's talk really wholistically (yes, 'wholistic' spelled with a 'w'!)...cancer does not form haphazardly...it is the result of many suppressions of ailments and improper treatment of colds and flus in the past. If the body is not allowed to detox through colds and flu, and get fevers to perform its immunological action, then the body never gets a chance to clean house. Eventually other ailments show up such as urinary tract conditions (notice I did not say 'infections') and depression, endometriosis, thyroid issues etc. If all of these ailments are treated with suppressive pharmaceutical medicines then the person becomes a walking suppressed disease factory! They need to be unsuppressed, they need cold and flu symptoms, they need old ailments to resurface, to come up from the deep suppressed place where they were forced to submerge to long ago. They need to clean house. If this house cleaning never happens a person usually gets chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and then cancer. It is a natural progression.

By the time a person is forming cancerous tumors the body has already been through a lot and a something needs to be done to reverse the process. As a doctor of chiropractic, practicing a lot of nutritional medicine by lab analysis, I will do a complete blood test of some 52 elements for a patient with a lump in the breast. I will also do a hair analysis of 30 elements...all the heavy metals and blood minerals and well as naturally occurring metals in the body. This is combined with a urine analysis, cancer markers and maybe a stool sample analysis as well. The entire mass of information is compared to the test results of thousands of other people who have taken the nutritional medical route instead of the pharmaceutical route and a nutrient prescription for cure is made. This is performing wholistic medicine in a truly wholistic way.

So many have come to believe that nutrition is good but you need pharmaceuticals for really serious conditions. This is true if you are about to die and for this pharmacy is most appreciated. But for now, and probably never, will we have a cure for cancer. This is for the same reason that we will never have a cure for the common cold! Neither are really diseases...the cold is a cleansing process and the cancerous tumor is the bodies attempt to take retarded cells and keep them all in the same place. It's not a disease, it's a process of accommodating a system that is beginning to fail in how it replicates new cells...too many new ones are being formed without knowledge of what specialty they should perform...all cells need to know what their specific role is.

If you are worried terribly about a painful lump in the breast, act fast, but don't make decisions out of fear, make the decision out of knowledge about cancer, diagnostic safety issues and protocols that lead to cure.

Dr. Thomas has 33 years of experience treating chronic conditions.

Treating chronic disease is a complicated and tedious work. Most physicians can only spend a few minutes with each patient as their clinic owners and hospital management force them to keep on the move. Dr. Thomas spends half an hour just explaining what tests will be done...then he spends an hour going over the test results with you and discussing nutrient cures. He also requests that you check in with him once a month for at least a half hour to go over your symptoms and to discuss your nutrients.

33 years experience has taught Dr. Thomas the value of quality care, personal patient/doctor interaction and just what is required to obtain lasting results.

Refer to my website for more information on this topic and to watch videos from the television show I do on Nutritional Medicines by Lab Analysis.

Painful Lump in Breast

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Breast Augmentation and Breast Cancer

At age 49 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, which is obviously a complete shock to any woman. We are a family full of women who, until now, had no family history of the disease.

According to the CDC, aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, cancer of the breast is the most common cancer among women in the United States. Statistics say that about 1 in 8 American women will develop invasive breast cancer within her lifetime. There were approximately 230,500 new cases diagnosed in 2011 within the U.S. On a positive note, from 1999 to 2005 these diagnosis rates have decreased by almost 2% each year. Sadly, medical statistics expected nearly 40,000 U.S. women to die in 2011 from breast cancer; however, this number is down in recent years due to advanced treatment options, earlier detection and increased awareness.

My mother, a registered nurse, took matters into her own hands. She was dedicated to monthly self-breast exams and found her own lump. After consulting 3 doctors, my mother finally found a physician willing to listen to her concerns, perform a biopsy and diagnose her cancer. The cancerous cells were only found in one breast; against the doctor's wishes, Mom selected a double mastectomy. I admire her strength and now think that because of her confidence and positive attitude through it all, I would choose the same.

In August 2005 Mom underwent a double mastectomy to remove both of her breasts. The surgeon then pulled the skin from above and below her breasts to cover her chest area. I will be honest that her recovery from this surgery was very difficult and incredibly painful. She had drains placed underneath her skin that had to be changed regularly. Finally after recovery she opted to meet with a plastic surgeon who specialized in breast augmentation post mastectomy surgery.

Breast augmentation surgery uses implants to restore breast volume or fullness. This is a common practice after a lumpectomy or mastectomy. For a woman, it's a way to feel normal again after such a devastating loss. For my mom, it allowed her to feel like she had a womanly shape and body again. Now as a 50 year-old woman she still feels confident enough to wear a swimsuit. Cosmetic surgery can sometimes be associated with vanity, but in the case of woman who has lost one or both breasts due to cancer, I believe this is a fair reason to undergo augmentation.

There were more than 2.6 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. last year, my own mother being one of them. She is now 6 years cancer-free, a huge advocate for the cause and willing to share her story every day.

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Antioxidant Supplement to Treat Breast Cancer Patients

The use of an antioxidant supplement by most breast cancer patients has proved beneficial. According to research, these natural remedies improve the body's condition. It boosts the immune response to help fight cancer during treatment.

The findings show that there is a need to investigate how an antioxidant supplement can help. Most women using it during their treatment claim that their condition has improved. So far, it has been discovered that they are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C. These affect the outcome of breast cancer treatment, according to scientists at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Therefore, it is only recommended that more research should be carried out. Studies about the influence of antioxidants on the outcome should be carried out. This will help one to understand what helps patients recover from cancer while they use antioxidants.

It seems that the composition of any antioxidant supplement comprises of essential vitamins like; vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene and selenium. However, taking them in specific doses also plays an important role in treatment. This is not only applicable in cancer cases. It is also important for patients using antioxidant supplements to treat other ailments.

In the case of cancer patients, there are three classes of dosage; high, low and none. Some researchers insist that high does interfere with radiation treatment and chemotherapy. That's because the supplements may cleanup the particles (produced by the treatment) that target cancer cells.

On the other hand, some research suggest that cancer cells prosper in the presence of antioxidants. Therefore, patients using any antioxidant supplement are only making things worse. The American Cancer Society is against the use of antioxidants during cancer treatment. Despite this information, approximately 50% of the American population takes antioxidant supplements.

However, there is no evidence to support this and not much can be said for now. Additionally, some doctors and scientists suggest that antioxidant compounds do not worsen cancer. In fact, there seems to be visible evidence of improvement in most cases.

Research at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center involved 32 breast cancer patients. They were treated and observed between 1999 and 2006. The patients were prescribed doses of antioxidants during the course of treatment. About 68% to 81% were reported to have survived treatment and recovered. Over the past few years, most breast cancer patients have been recommended to use antioxidants frequently.
While the debate is still on and more research is underway, there seems to be more proof that using an antioxidant supplement helps fight cancer.

Nature's Daily Defense offers the best and high quality supplements to treat cancer and other ailments. Our products look to combine the best antioxidants for our body to receive the best nutrition. Max Antioxidant Supplement from our stores combines the goodness of 19 most popular antioxidants. However, there is no evidence to support this and not much can be said for now. Additionally, some doctors and scientists suggest that antioxidant compounds do not worsen cancer. In fact, there seems to be visible evidence of improvement in most cases. The use of an antioxidant supplement by most breast cancer patients has proved beneficial. According to research, these natural remedies improve the body's condition. It boosts the immune response to help fight cancer during treatment. These affect the outcome of breast cancer treatment, according to scientists at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Therefore, it is only recommended that more research should be carried out. Studies about the influence of antioxidants on the outcome should be carried out. This will help one to understand what helps patients recover from cancer while they use antioxidants.

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One Woman's Journey Through DCIS Breast Cancer

The phone rings. Please come back to Breastscreen Australia. You have calcification and we need to re-check it. Don't feel for lumps. You don't have any. Oh yeah! I think. They're just over-cautious.

No! I was wrong. I had DCIS. So I am very quickly put on the Breast Cancer roller coaster designed to nip it in the bud and save me.

I read recently that 14,000 Australian women were diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2010. Of those, 1200 were diagnosed with DCIS. The proportions are similar around the world.

DCIS flies under the radar. What is it? It is Ductal Carcinoma In Situ ie calcification in the milk ducts of the breast. Like me, those 1200 Australian women only find out that they have it after their regular mammogram check-up. It is non-invasive which means it has not got into the body. No one dies from it. It may be how Breast Cancer starts but the researchers are not 100% sure. You are more at risk of a recurrence later or even full-blown Breast Cancer but with surgery and radiation therapy, this risk is reduced to less than 10%. Finally, you can keep your breast and your hair.

There is a lot of breast cancer literature available. Here are some of my personal experiences that might help you or someone you know get through it a little easier.

With a left breast that needed a lot of loving thoughts and tender care, she needed a name. (I adapted this idea from a wonderful speaker, Marie Farrugia, on one of my Business Swap CDs.) Annie it was and I still talk gently to her as she continues to heal. Not to be left out, my right breast is Mitzi because they are a team who need to support each other.

I found that one of my slightly flattened, soft square cushions kept my hand and lower arm comfortable as I could only sleep on one side of my body. This suited my situation better than the free Breast cushion from Zonta. Wish I'd had that square cushion the first night after the operation.

Short spiky hair and sleeping on one side only don't mix; so I had to adopt a slightly longer softer hairstyle.

A very soft, real Australian lambswool seatbelt protector has made driving more comfortable for my swollen, tender Annie after surgery, during radiation therapy and still as she continues to heal.

Finding a Blog that related to my love of laughing at life's idiosyncrasies was daily medicine for my soul.

Also on the funny side, receiving hugs from others became an occupational hazard as I protected Annie from harm. She even demanded that I change my handbag to the other shoulder and this made supermarket shopping sometimes quite funny as Annie and I shared our little problems.

My 30 radiation sessions were re-named Radiation Therapy Healing Sessions and going to them became a blessing not a chore. Annie and I needed to be reminded of that often. When the hospital green radiation gown got to me, I bought brighter material, copied the design and sewed my own version. All these little things were my way of being an active participant in my healing rather than a passive observer.

On the down side because DCIS is not life threatening, I had days when I felt a Breast Cancer fraud, especially when people called me brave. I was in no danger of dying. So I did not feel brave. It was then I learnt to remind myself that all illnesses require courage and everyday courage is as important as big inspiring acts of courage.

With my strong colouring, pink is something I choose to take in very small doses. Everywhere I turned there was a mountain of pink. At times I found that to be emotionally over-whelming. Even going overseas I couldn't escape Breast Cancer pink. It was just something I had to experience and let it show me my pink lesson.

I am blessed to have had wonderful medical care, a loving husband and supportive family, friends and business associates. DCIS changed me physically. Now it is important for me to decide how I am going to live the rest of my life.

DCIS - what's that? On behalf of Annie, Mitzi and me, I hope this may help you or someone you know who finds it unexpectedly in her life.

Margaret Sims is an Image Consultant and Fashion Translator who was diagnosed with DCIS in June 2009. Read another of Margaret's personal thoughts on DCIS at http://margaretsims.wordpress.com/. Margaret helps women discover their true personality and how to shine as a modern woman over 40 with or without breast cancer. If this interests you, visit http://thefashiontranslator.wordpress.com/ Blog for more fashion tips. Go to the Signup page where you can sign up to get the free twice-monthly newsletter on fashion and life lessons and receive your free eBook and Audio - 'Look Fabulous, Feel Confident Every Day'.

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Common Signs of Breast Cancer

The lack of knowledge makes cancer treatments difficult because the disease goes undetected till it reaches an advanced stage. If breast cancer treatments are done at early stages of the cancer, the chances of complete cure are much higher. Here are some of the signs that one must be aware of:

Lumps - Breast cancer doctors say that even though lumps are the most common and known signs of breast cancer, women often fail to recognize them. A lump is a kind of thickening one may feel near the breast or even in the armpit. They are very small, pea-sized and are generally painless. But one may feel some tenderness or irritation. Such lumps can be easily spotted through a mammogram.
Change in breast size- Changes in breast size is another symptom of cancer. Whether the breast size will increase or decrease will vary from women to women. Some women experience an increase in their breast size and some others find their breast size decreasing. This change is usually not noticeable until the size has changed a lot.
Change in color and texture- Breast cancer may also cause a change in color and texture of the breast. One may notice a marble-like area under the skin. Some areas of the breast may even differ greatly from other areas of the breast. The skin of the breast may also turn pink or red in color. In case of scarring, the skin may also even turn orange. Some tumors can't be seen or felt. In such cases, indentation or flattening of breast is a sure symptom.
Changes in nipple- One of the earliest signs of breast cancer is that one may notice some changes in their nipples. The nipple may get pushed inward and there may be a dimpled look. There may also be irritation and slight pain along with redness of the nipple. Paget's disease, a localized can be recognized by symptoms like itching, scaling of the nipple and ulceration. Discharge of clear fluid or blood is also a common sign of breast cancer.

Cancer doctors say the reasons for this disease are many and varied. Lifestyle and environmental factors are two main factors that play a huge role. Heavy intake of alcohol and red meat, dense breasts and obesity combined with pollution, and food contamination increases the risk of cancer. Apart from these, family history is also important.

It is important that women check themselves for any of the above mentioned signs periodically. If any of the symptoms are observed, a trip to a cancer specialist is mandatory.

Through his articles, youngrin wishes to inform and educate the readers about breast cancer treatments which will benefit those who are looking for useful information, For treatment log on to breast cancer treatments

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Myriad Emotions: Breast Cancer Ordeal

My article relating to breast cancer is one of self-indulgence. I found the writing of it cathartic in that it helped me to come to terms with my illness. It is my heartfelt hope that this article will afford any fellow sufferers some measure of comfort or support. This period was an intensely emotional time for loved ones, close friends, and myself. If you have been affected in, anyway by this health issue I hope that my article can help to bring a degree of solace.

I like many women, and men before me have had a health scare; I was diagnosed as having "Breast Cancer." It is no respecter of gender. I was one of the lucky ones; it could have been a lot worse than it was. I am not after sympathy here - that is the last thing I need. What is required on my part, and that of any other sufferer, is to accomplish something that at the time seems practically impossible; that of positive thinking.

If one dwells too much on this issue, your morale sinks even lower, and the healing process takes longer. So how does one deal with this profound happening? Positive thinking has to be one of the hardest things to achieve. We can all present a brave face when we are required too; but maintaining that "up-beat," when your cosy little world has been shattered into a thousand pieces is one of the hardest things to deal with.

I have found the best thing to do is to talk about it. Unfortunately, some people put up barriers, and treat the topic of cancer as "taboo," and one not to be faced. Some women quickly change the subject, while others talk about it - maybe they have had a similar experience. Alternatively, they may know someone who has been affected by it. Surprisingly enough, I found men could talk relatively easily about the subject, and without embarrassment.

Their interest stems from the concern that it could happen to their wives, loved ones, or someone of their own gender and they feel a need to understand all the facts. I have read books, and gathered information from the Internet, so I feel pretty much informed on the subject. All this information can be somewhat daunting you read about long-term prospects and wonder: "What If?" As always on any health issue, you can read about the good, and the bad.

I have learned to challenge everything that goes on regarding my body. I have had my bad days; however, in the main they are good. You learn to play harder, and laugh more; in fact, you simply get on with living. One of the hardest things is observing the pain on loved ones faces when the topic is approached. Nevertheless, things have to be faced, and each family member or friend copes differently.

Some people cannot come to terms with the situation. I have lost touch with people whom I had termed close friends, and people I thought of as just being acquaintances; have in turn been supportive of me. I have been one of the fortunate ones, with the dedicated guidance and support from a truly loving family. Indeed, they have helped to pull me through this ordeal.

So how do you face these "myriad of emotions" you are going through? You need to take stock. How are you are feeling, not the physical pain, but the emotional. It is difficult to come to terms with - believe me I know. People cannot fully comprehend how you feel, unless they have been through it themselves. I can remember the first time I looked in the mirror thinking I was incomplete. How could my husband still want me - or my children not turn away in disgust at the sight of my body?

It is difficult to remain untouched by it all but remember you are still the selfsame person. Perhaps you are a wife, and a mother. If so, you are loved and needed. If you are single, it is to be hoped that you have loved ones' that understand how you are feeling; besides giving you all the moral support that you need at this trying time.

Initially my feelings where that of self-pity: I could not think clearly or face my future. Talking to fellow sufferers this is something they had all experienced. Yet a few months down the line, I had managed to develop my positive thinking to the full. In truth, I had finally stopped feeling sorry for myself.

I have to admit this was the hardest emotion of all to cope with. The "Why Me" feeling was especially strong. I have wept myself to sleep many a night. However, I quickly began to realize that this kind of behaviour was not being fair on my loved ones, and I had to fight so very hard against it.

I soon realised that you really must make the best of whatever fate throws at you. Live for every moment, and appreciate your life to the full. Try to stop thinking of what has happened to you, "I know it's not easy." Start to think of what you can do with your life. I certainly look at life differently enjoying it for what it is, and what it has to offer me for now, and the future.

It is an appalling thing that has happened to you. However, if you fill your time feeling sorry for yourself you will not only destroy your life: but the lives of those who love, and care for you. My only hope is that if you are troubled with the demons, which this illness brings; my words can be of some comfort to you knowing that you are not alone.

There is always help and support available to you. So please, make use of these organizations. They really can help you in providing strength, and comfort, in your hours of need and support.

Take care of you...Pammie


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The Real Meaning of Love

After I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer, I knew my life would change. I had no idea how drastic the changes were going to be. It was hard because you hear different horror stories, in reality; everyone's body is different so the reaction to chemotherapy and radiation will differ. I found this out. Things that I expected to happen didn't. They had the opposite effect on me. My doctors called me "highly sensitive."

Through everything; surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, my husband was there through it all. It was just him and I on this journey. He cooked and cleaned, worked and brought me to some of my chemotherapy treatments, all with a supportive attitude. He has helped me out of bed and walk more times than I can possibly count. He has been my rock. On my weak days, there was none of that, he listened patiently and held me when I cried. He always told me I was the strong one as I drew from my inner strength, but he was also a great source of my strength.

It was hard because my mom was dying of Breast Cancer as I was going through my treatments. She passed away January 9, 2012. She had fought the fight for over 20 years. My husband was there through it all, helping hold me up during the toughest part of my life. That is what true love is.

What I learned from it all is this. You have to be pro-active. Get your mammograms done and do your self-exams. I found my lump. The most important thing is that through the years since my mom was diagnosed to when I was, the technology has changed. More and more doctors are on the same page as far as your treatment plan goes.

Attitude is everything. Get out of bed when you don't feel like it, even if it's only a little bit, it's better than everything. Focus on one positive thing or thought every day and carry that thought with you throughout the day. Write in a journal, it helps get all your feelings out.

Cancer patients have such passion for life, and especially for each other. There is a bond; there are tears, but mostly hugs. Some are from complete strangers who have fought that same fight. So, never give up and always lend your support to others. Loving my life! Eight months of treatment done, four more months to go.

In my case my love was my husband. It might be different for you. It could be a family member, a friend, a new friend, etc. But one thing is for sure, they will be in your heart forever. I will make it! So will you! Never give up the fight!

My website, http://www.womensrecreation.com/, offers hope and encouragement. I do believe that we are here to help each other and to learn from each other.

I wrote three books "Walk in Peace" & "My Soulful Journey" and "The Wishing Well" which can be purchased on my website.

I also have a Blog Talk Radio show. I have interviewed people regarding all subject matter. Feel free to listen to the archives at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/womensrecreation.

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Breast Cancer Treatment and Fertility

Most women are ill-informed about the questions they must be asking their doctor before the treatment starts. Young women who are yet to have children and mothers who are planning for more children are advised to talk to their physician about how cancer treatment can put their fertility at risk.

Chemotherapy may affect your ability to have children. Many well-informed young women decide to freeze their eggs before the chemo starts, but not all women have sufficient knowledge about how the treatment can affect their fertility or about the options that are available to preserve their fertility.

Fertility issues during breast cancer

Most physicians will advise you that breast cancer treatment must take priority over fertility. Fortunately, breast cancer does not mean that your dreams of becoming a parent are doomed forever. Even with cancer treatment as your first priority, you can still maximize your chances of becoming a parent.

It is important that the physician and the patient work together on this. If the patient is in a relationship, the partner's concerns must be factored in as well. Some of the questions that you need to answer include:
How important is it to have a baby, for you and your partner?Do you have an optimistic prognosis that allows you to plan for your future as a parent?Will it be safe for you to be pregnant?If there is a recurrence or the survival is limited, will the child have enough caretakers in your absence?Are you comfortable with adoption or consider using donor eggs to become a parent?

These are definitely tough questions for anyone to answer, even more so for someone who is already bogged down by the severe emotional toll that cancer can unleash. Nonetheless, it is important that you answer these questions as you prepare for the cancer treatment.

Chemotherapy and fertility

Will chemotherapy make you infertile? The answer to this depends on the woman's age and the type of chemotherapy drugs that are used. The younger you are, the better your chances that the ovaries will continue producing fertile eggs even after treatment. Certain chemotherapy drugs, especially those belonging to the group of alkylating agents, can cause relatively more damage to the ovaries than others. Talk to your physician about the type of drugs that will be used for your cancer treatment.

Preserving fertility

If you have been given a relatively good prognosis by your doctor, you may want to ask a fertility expert about the possible options to preserve your fertility.

Here are some questions you may want to ask your fertility expert:
Should you freeze your eggs now? What does the procedure involve?Should you also consider freezing some of your ovarian tissue?Are there fertility treatments that will be less risky for you?What are the financial, medical, emotional and time-wise costs that each of these options involve?

If your doctor says it is okay to postpone your chemo, you may want to undergo ovarian stimulation during this time to harvest enough eggs. Also consider how safe fertility drugs are. Some hormones in the drugs may encourage breast cancer cell activity and cause it to spread rapidly.

With some soul-searching and discussion with your oncologist and fertility expert, you can come up with a definite plan to become a parent in future.

Through his articles, youngrin wishes to inform and educate the readers about breast cancer treatments which will benefit those who are looking for useful information. For breast cancer doctors visit breast cancer treatment centers of america.

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What Happens During A Mammogram?

If you or someone you know is suspected of having breast cancer, they will have to undergo a mammogram. To learn more about mammograms, continue reading this article. Throughout the article we will discuss what a mammogram is, as well as the purpose of a mammogram. We will also discuss what to expect during a mammogram examination, what to expect once the examination is completed, and what doctors will look for in your results.

Let us begin our discussion by defining what a mammogram is and discovering the purpose of a mammogram. A mammogram is a type of x-ray that is conducted on the breast. This x-ray is used to diagnose breast cancer in women who have shown signs or symptoms of the disease. For those who have fear of radiation, mammograms are completely safe and use extremely low doses of radiation that cannot lead to any harm.

What should you expect if you are having a mammogram conducted?

Upon entering the room, you will be asked to undress above the waist and you will be given a hospital top to wear. Once you are dressed and ready to begin, your technologist will position your breasts. During the mammogram, your breasts will be placed between 2 plates. These plates are designed to help spread the tissue of your breasts so that they can be more easily examined. Once your breasts are placed between the plates, they will be gently flattened. While this can be slightly uncomfortable, the compression only lasts for a few seconds.

The entire procedure is very quick, and should take no more than 20 minutes. Once the procedure is completed, a black and white x-ray will be produced for your health care professional to examine in further detail.

What will your health care professional look for in your mammogram results?

When examining your results, doctors will look for two types of changes, calcifications and masses. A calcification is a tiny mineral deposit that will appear as small white spots on your x-ray film.

If these are present, they may or may not be cancerous. A mass can be a variety of different things including a cyst, a non-cancerous tumor, or cancer. If a mass is found within your results, further tests will be conducted to determine whether or not it is cancerous.

If you have been instructed by your doctor to have a mammogram completed, do not panic - very few mammogram results lead to a diagnosis of breast cancer.

Regardless of age, every woman should be engaging in yearly breast examinations (conducted by a health care professional). Engaging in regular breast check ups will ensure that, if you ever were to develop breast cancer, it would be caught during its earliest stages. If you have not done it already, book an appointment with your doctor now.

When it comes to breast cancer, it is better to be safe than sorry!

Discover how to get the healthy advantages of a well balanced diet, a fun and effective exercise program, have a better sex and live a healthier and move active lifestyle go to Health Tips For Women you will get health and beauty tips for today's strong and active women and learn about the big time benefits of living a healthier lifestyle!

Raising strong, active and healthy children in today's fast-paced and fast food environment gets harder and harder with each passing day. To get tips and ideas about child fitness, child health and child nutrition and learn how to keep your children healthy, strong and happy. At Concerning Kids, you will discover fun things to do that will help your healthy kids live longer, live stronger and lead a more fun, active and enjoyable lifestyle.

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Raw Food Diet For Cancer Patients

I was reading the other day again from Dr. Robert Morse's book the chapter about raw food diet for cancer patients. And I was once again amazed by the breakthrough information presented in a very condensed form, but still very easy and interesting to read.

What I want to stress in this short article is an idea which I think is important in the light of so much information about raw food and cancer patients that is now available on the internet.

And that idea is that the raw food diet for cancer patients is different from the raw food diet for other health conditions.

Now, I don't want to say that there aren't certain raw foods which are stronger in their effect on cancer than others.

But, the point I am trying to clarify is that a raw diet will help heal any type of illness, including cancer.

So, if you make the transition to the raw lifestyle you will also be on your way of regaining your health if you have been diagnosed with cancer.

A real story comes to my mind right now.

A man was diagnosed with cancer. And after following the traditional procedures and treatment the doctor prescribed him, he was told that the cancer progressed and he had only a few short months to live.

So, it was better for him to go home, because there was nothing else medicine could do to him.

As he walked out of the hospital, sad and discouraged, he went through a market.

And there he saw some red grapes. He bought a few pounds and started eating them.

He continued to do this, transforming it in a habit, since he couldn't eat much else of cooked food.

Waiting to die and death not coming, he went back to the hospitals for analyses. After the results came, he was surprised to find out that his cancer was on remission.

You can imagine his joy at this amazing news.

We can rightly say that this man stumbled on the raw food diet for cancer patients.

And that is my point. Don't wait to find a raw diet which is specifically designed for cancer patients.

Start with the best raw food program available to you. Or, start eating raw right away. The benefits will not delay to show in your life.

And then you can get the extra edge with a few more veggies and fruits which you can include in your diet.

Also, juicing is a must for a cancer patient.

Expand on this idea, presented in this article, about the raw food diet for cancer patients. Find out more about Dr. Robert Morse's book and see a video testimony of a patient who had stage 4 breast cancer and now is cured. Visit http://cancerwinner.org/ to find a good raw food program.

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Breast Cancer Reconstruction With Implants

Breast cancer reconstruction is an option for many women who have had to have a mastectomy. This procedure allows the surgeon to restore the shape of the breasts. This type of surgery is not necessary but many women feel it is a beneficial thing because it gives them confidence. Having the procedure performed can be safe and it can be life changing. Making the decision to go ahead with it is a big one, though.

The Use of Implants

There are many types of procedures for reconstruction. However, breast cancer reconstruction with implants is one of the most common. In this procedure, your surgeon will add devices filled with a silicone or saline solution into the wall of the chest where your breasts were located. These products are filled with a gel-like material, which gives you a natural feel and helps to create a comfortable shape for your body. The procedure is quite similar to having implants for enlarging these tissues.


As with all surgical procedures, breast cancer reconstruction procedures do have some risks. The worst of these risks involve poor healing of the wound, a rupture of the implant, deflation of the implant or protrusion of the implant through the actual tissue. However, these remain very rare. Other risks include infection, excessive bleeding, changes in the sensations in the breasts and an increased risk of needing additional surgical procedures in the future.

What Are the Results?

Having breast cancer reconstruction can help to provide a patient with a more natural body shape. However, there are risks involved in terms of the outcome of the procedure. Many times, your surgeon will work with you ahead of the procedure to create a plan of action. He or she will discuss size, shape and other implications that could affect the outcome. Generally, though, this procedure can do numerous things to enhance your body.

- It can help to give your body more contour in this area.

- It helps you to avoid the need for any external prosthesis to make a masectomy unnoticeable.

- It can help to improve the symmetry in your breasts so they look more natural under your clothing.

- It can boost your own body image and give you the confidence you deserve.

- It can also help to reduce the physical reminders of your fight against this deadly disease.

Breast cancer reconstruction is something to talk to a cosmetic surgeon about before you disregard it. For many women, it can give them back the same feel and sensations they used to have. They can feel better about themselves and about the way clothing fits on their bodies. For many, this is a very empowering experience.

A breast cancer reconstruction surgery can help you maintain your natural look. Talk to a specialist about the options you have: http://www.breastcenter.com/.

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Picky, Picky Protocel

I love Protocel! Protocel is a non-toxic alternative cancer treatment that I've been using to treat my breast cancer for the last 3&1/2 years. More and more people are like me, choosing to forego conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, and are instead turning to alternative treatments like Protocel to treat their cancer.

My success with Protocel however has kind of been 2 steps forward and 1 step back. The reason that I've had mixed success with Protocel is Protocel is very picky. There several things that interfere with the effectiveness of Protocel so I will attempt to explain some of them here.

One of the most common things that interferes with Protocel is Vitamin C. I found that out first hand. I didn't know that Vitamin C interfered with Protocel and I was ingesting 7-9 fruits and vegetables a day, and also drinking about 2 glasses of cranberry juice a day. I thought that I was doing a good thing. Still, Protocel fought valiantly against my cancer and kept it at bay. However, an MRI revealed that there was a suspicious looking spot at 6:00 on my breast. Ingesting too much Vitamin C was my first mistake.

My Dr. and I decided that I needed to have an MRI guided needle biopsy. Sure enough the biopsy revealed that I was having a recurrence. But now my real trouble started. After my biopsy I stayed red, swollen, and sore. I was not healing. In fact, I was getting worse and worse. Within 4 weeks I had a mass the size of a grapefruit in my breast. The biopsy busted the cancer loose and made me worse. Since then, I have heard many similar stories of surgery causing the cancer to spread. Even a needle biopsy is a pretty invasive procedure. Having a needle biopsy was my second mistake.

So now I have a mass the size of a grapefruit in my breast. I think to myself, I don't want to make any more mistakes. I really want to make sure that I don't do anything that would interfere with Protocel again. I found out that I can only eat 2 fruit's a day, and then only the fruit's that are low in Vitamin C. No citrus, no strawberries, no broccoli, no juice. No more than 100 mgs. Vitamin C a day.

So now we're good! I'm following my Protocel protocol correctly, not too much Vitamin C. I'm good! I am once again making progress and reversing my cancer. All my tests and scans show improvement. Now I love Protocel, but the one thing that I will say about it, is that it is kind of slow. My grapefruit mass has softened up and is now about the size of an orange. So, I start researching to see if I can add something to my protocol to speed things up. I became interested in something called Taheebo tea. My research shows that it is compatible with Protocel and there are fantastic testimonies that it works pretty fast. I decide to go for it and I order the tea. After about 2 month's into drinking the tea, I start to feel some soreness in my breast. Then I feel a new lesion on my areola, (I know, too much information!) An MRI confirms that I've had some progression in the disease.

I called up Dr. Cassidy at the Vitamin Depot, (where I order my Protocel from.) We had 2 heart to heart talks. She informed me that she thinks that because Taheebo tea works by a chelation type process, it probably also chelates the Protocel and causes it to become ineffective. Oh Oh! Mistake # 3.

The following is a comprehensive list of things that interfere with the effectiveness of Protocel:

Any chemotherapy drugs except for 5FU and Xeloda.

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, CoQ10, Selenium, Essiac Tea, Hoxsey Therapy, Poly-MVA, Acetyl-Cysteine, LifeOne, Alpha lipoic acid, Ginsengs of all types, High-dose Magnesium, L-Lipoic acid, L-Carnitine, Iodine, Creatine, MSM, Rhodiola Rosea, Glutamine, Taurine, D-Ribose, Fish Oil, Resveratrol, L-Cysteine, Homeopathics, Flax Oil, Burdock Root, Ozone, Cesium, Zeolite, Rife Treatments, 714X, Antineoplastons Cat's Claw, Flaxseed Oil with Cottage Cheese.

I would also like to add Taheebo tea to this list, (also known as Lapacho or Pau D'Arco,) based on my experience.

This may not be a complete list so it is best to avoid taking anything that you don't absolutely have to take just to be sure. Most prescriptions are ok but it is probably best to take them at least an hour or two away from your Protocel dose just to be sure.

Much more complete information on the best way to use Protocel can be found in a book called, "Outsmart Your Cancer," by Tanya Harter Pierce, and is a must read for anyone considering using Protocel to treat their cancer. Her book is packed with information about many different alternative cancer treatments and I consider it my cancer, "Bible."

As for me, I am once again making progress on reversing my disease. My last MRI showed improvement and I am confident, that barring any more stupid mistakes, I'm going to beat this disease once and for all!

For more information about Protocel, how it works, it's effectiveness, the research behind it, check out author Laurie Bassart's article called, "Protocel, an Alternative Non-Toxic Way to Defeat Cancer." and much more on her website: http://alternatives4cancer.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laurie_Bassart

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Komen Tag-Teamed by Planned Parenthood, Politics and Women

Could anyone have expected the boxing match that occurred last week when Susan G Komen for the Cure announced they were severing funding for Planned Parenthood while the latter is under federal investigation for alleged improper use of funds? And, the punches have not even begun to end as the outcry from political organizations and women saying they cannot forgive Komen, even though that decision was reversed, continue to tag-team Komen.

As a seventeen year breast cancer survivor, I am greatly dismayed and disheartened as I watch the punches being thrown by those using the decision as a platform to promote their agenda. I have stayed involved in the cancer community as a coach, advisor and prayer companion for others on their personal cancer journey and, as such, have some very strong opinions regarding the spiritual, political and personal aspects of what has transpired since last Wednesday. However, it is my opinion that we need to step out of the boxing ring and start using some common sense.

Komen is a non-profit organization as is Planned Parenthood. They have strict guidelines that they must adhere to or they risk losing their 501(c)(3) status. Although giving funds to other non-profit organizations during a federal investigation is not one of the criteria for losing a 501(c)(3) status, think about the potential ramifications of any such organization giving funds to another such organization if the latter WAS found guilty of the allegations. This could very easily become a "guilty by association" and lead to federal investigating of the funding organization. Apply this common sense concept to these two organizations and the potential ramifications for Komen being pulled into a federal investigation are greatly increased since the very subject of the federal investigation into Planned Parenthood is improper use of funds.

Why would Komen naively subject their organization to such scrutiny for what appears to be around 10% or their total annual funding? (In 2011 the amount given to Planned Parenthood in grants was $680,000.) It was a brilliant business move, for the Komen board, to change their criteria to disallow funding organizations under federal investigation. This move would have allowed for future funding to Planned Parenthood if the investigation proved there was no wrong-doing on the latter's part.

In my opinion, it is very unfortunate that Komen buckled under the punches they received from organizations and individuals alike. They have been left in a heap in the middle of the boxing ring yet many are still taking punches under the guise of "saving lives". Planned Parenthood, has disclosed that the vast majority of their family planning/abortion clinics across the nation, do not offer mammograms. They outsource mammograms to medical clinics whose services include cancer screening. In other words, the funds granted by Komen to Planned Parenthood are used by Planned Parenthood to pay for the services underprivileged women receive from other healthcare providers. Why not give funds to these organizations directly if they qualify for funding?

Komen needs to catch their breath, stand up proudly and defend their original decision to cut-off funding to Planned Parenthood. Lives will continue to be saved whether or not Komen ever gives Planned Parenthood another penny.

You can personally help save lives by going to: http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=2

Simply click in the box and you will give the gift of a mammogram to someone who needs it.

Please choose to click instead of punch.

Carin Hansen was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40. After a long battle she emerged victorious and began a one-on-one wardrobe and beauty consulting business for other women journeying through cancer. She has been a model, actress, talent agency owner, benefit founder, certified acting/modeling instructor, writer, speaker and passionate cancer advocate. Please visit Carin's website at http://www.bridges2beauty.net/ for information and encouragement that is helpful and hopeFULL. You can purchase a hard copy of her book "A Woman's Cancer Journey Primer" or upload a free PDF on the website also. It is important to remember that Carin is not a physician and does not subscribe to or recommend any particular medical procedure or alternative treatment. She strongly urges you to consult with your Primary Physician, Oncologist and/or Surgeon before implementing any of her suggestions found in her articles, newsletter, blogs and books.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carin_Hansen

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Control and Prevention of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the women both in the developed and developing countries. The incidence of this is increasing rapidly due to certain reasons such as increased urbanization, adoption of western or modern life style and increase life expectancy, however the risk can be reduced with the help of prevention but elimination of these factors can't reduce the risk of breast cancer in the population with low and middle income countries where women are diagnosed with breast cancer at a late stage. Early diagnosis for improving breast cancer outcome and survival remains the foundation stone of breast cancer control. In the middle and low income countries the strategy for early detection is the awareness of warning signs and symptoms of the breast cancer so that women can notice them as they take place. Women are also advised to go for clinical examination so that the anomalies can be noticed by the health experts in time and treatment can be started as well.

Significance of Early Detection

As mentioned above early detection is of utmost importance to cure the cancer completely so every possible mean should be utilized to make early detection probable. Breast screening is expensive so it is not easy to afford so for this reason it is advised to the women in developed countries with good health infrastructure where it is easy for them to continue a long term program of screening. Screening is one of the most effective methods to catch cancer at initial stage when it is easily manageable and can be treated easily by using a number of treatment options.

Self breast exam is recommended to the women of all ages for being in touch with breasts on regular basis as women breasts are likely to develop the changes over the time due to certain reasons like breasts change due to higher level of estrogen before the periods is natural, but it is also possible for breasts to develop some unusual changes as well that may lead to the development.

What Does Comprehensive Cancer Control Involve?

Comprehensive cancer control involves the knowledge of early detection, prevention strategies, detection and treatment, rehabilitation etc. If a woman is aware of all these things she can take better care of her breasts and she can reduce the risk of death with this most dreadful disease of the women world as woman herself can do it in a well manner.

Breast Cancer Prevention

If a woman takes control of the modifiable risk factors she can reduce the risk of being attacked by the disease to a great extent. Modifiable risk factors include healthy diet, physical activity, alcohol intake; maintenance of the body weight could have a strong impact on the reduction of breast cancer risk. Most of the women are unaware of the fact that these life style factors can have a strong impact on the risk of being attacked by this most common disease of the women world.

James is a blogger and writer. He usually writes about breast cancer, self breast exam and breast screening. You can contact him directly at james@breastlight.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J._Blunt

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Natural Therapy For Breast Cancer

Is there a natural therapy for breast cancer that works? Yes there are many, and the reason you may not know about them is that they are suppressed by big Pharma because there is no big money in natural therapy for breast cancer.

I recently interviewed a lady who had stage 4 breast cancer and made a full recovery using natural therapies. So even at these advanced stages a natural therapy for breast cancer can still work and a full recovery can still be made.

It is important to understand and as simple and obvious as it may sound, we must look to nature for a natural therapy for breast cancer. Also remembering that our bodies are self-healing.

For our body's to heal, we must remove the stress, oxygenate the cells, promote blood flow, open the channels of elimination and flood the body with high-grade nutrition. This may seem complex, but it is actually very simple, so let's look at this natural therapy for breast cancer now.

Step 1: Look at your life and see what is stressing you. It may be a toxic relationship, your job, your living environment.... Stress creates acid in the body, which leads to a weak immune system and causes the cells to become cancerous. What ever is causing your stress in life, get rid of it, because this is your life and nothing is more important.

Step 2: With the understanding that cancer cells are anaerobic (meaning without oxygen), we must learn a correct breathing practice that will oxygenate all our cells keeping them healthy and vibrant. This step is not just important it is vital!

Step 3 is all about blood flow, so as well as oxygen we also want the blood to flow to all the cells, as circulation is a key element to activate our self-healing mechanism. Light aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, cycling, or simply bouncing on a rebounder / mini trampet is a phenomenal low impact exercise.

Step 4 is open the 5 channels of elimination so toxins can exit your body.
Spend at least 15 minutes a day with your feet in the sand or on the grass to allow electromagnetic chaos to leave and intake of the earths good energy.Stop using antiperspirants and deodorants and get a good sweat on each day.Keep hydrated so you are urinating at least 10 times a day.Make sure your bowels are functioning well and you are going 2 to 3 times per day.70% of the body's toxins are expelled through the lungs, so that is another reason why correct breathing is vitally important.

Step 5 is to eat a raw vegan diet made up of green juices, fruit smoothies, salads and some nuts and seeds.

This may all seem like a lot of information to take in and will of course bring up more questions. You will find all the answers and support you are looking for as regards to Natural Therapy's for Breast Cancer at http://www.outstandinghealthnow.com/

Matthew Armstrong is a Transformational Specialist and best-selling author. He has interviewed experts in various fields of health and well-being to bring you a comprehensive resource for learning how to recover from any disease and attain vibrant health and vitality. Visit http://www.outstandinghealthnow.com/ to watch video interviews with leading experts in Natural Health, Nutrition and Fitness.

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How Is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

Are you looking for more information on how breast cancer is diagnosed?

If so, this information should help. Breast cancer is an extremely common type of cancer, especially among females. It is therefore extremely important that, as women, we take the time to get ourselves regular breast exams. If you are interested in learning more about checkups and breast cancer diagnosis, continue reading this article. Throughout the article we will discuss what breast cancer is and how it is diagnosed.

Let's begin by learning what this disease is. Breast cancer is, next to skin cancer, the leading cancer among women. While it is most commonly diagnosed among females, it can also effect the lives of men. Breast cancer is a group of cancerous cells, known as a malignant tumor, that begins in the cells of the breast and can potentially spread into other areas of the body.

While there are some signs that point to breast cancer (swelling of breast, skin irritation, pain, redness, nipple discharge, etc.), most women in the beginning stages of the cancer experience no symptoms at all. It is therefore extremely important that all women have a clinical breast exam performed at least once a year by a medical physician. If this exam is performed, and anything abnormal is found, other tests will be performed to determine if any of the irregularities could be from breast cancer.

What types of tests will be performed?

One of the most common tests used to diagnose this type of cancer is the mammogram. A mammogram is generally used for early detection of the cancer as they can detect anywhere from 85 to 90 percent of all breast cancers. Mammograms can help to detect breast cancer before a lump can even be felt or seen.

Another test commonly used to diagnose cancer of the breast is an ultrasound. Ultrasounds are usually used after a mammogram has already been conducted to help target a specific area of concern (as found by the mammogram). Ultrasounds also help to tell the difference between cysts and solid masses, as well as benign and cancerous tumors.

If a lump is found on your breast, a sample of tissue and fluid will be taken by your doctor and will be sent to be tested by a pathologist. Once you get the results back, your doctor will summarize your diagnosis. If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will be informed of which stage you are at. The stage you are at will determine which course of treatment you will need to seek.

Because this type of cancer is so common, it is very important that you have an annual breast exam completed by your health care professional. It is also suggested that you ask your doctor how to perform a regular breast exam on your own so that you can do regular checks on yourself.

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Discover the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle and see the benefits that a well balanced diet can do for you. For more information about weight loss, healthy living, getting the proper diet and exercise and other useful health tips go to: Health Tips 101

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Nipple Sparing Mastectomy - Breast Cancer Options

A nipple sparing mastectomy is one method of performing this surgical procedure. The surgical term "mastectomy" is used for several variations of the procedure. It may involve removing one or both breasts, portions, or incising regions in the armpits in order to take out the lymph nodes. These operations are done to get rid of breast cancer in the early or later stages. This disease often begins in the milk ducts and is then called ductal carcinoma. Although certain risk factors point to an increased chance of developing this disease, doctors aren't really sure why some women get it and others don't. Here are some different types of mastectomies:

- Nipple sparing: This operation entails removing tissue but leaving the skin, nipple and areola. The chest wall muscles are often left, as well. Biopsies of the lymph systems may be performed simultaneously and the bosom is reconstructed right away.

- Skin sparing: In this version, which is appropriate for small tumors, the nipple and areola are removed as well as tissue but the outer skin is left intact. With this technique, reconstruction would be done at the same time.

- Total: A total or simple version is when the entire breast is removed. Biopsy would be done at the same time in order to examine the sentinel lymph region.

- Modified radical: This is one of the more complete variations of this operation. A surgeon would remove all skin, tissue, nipple, areola, chest muscles and even part of the wall. Lymph systems in the armpits would also be targeted.

Each of these operations would be done in patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. This disease is now considered the most common of cancers in U.S. women besides skin cancer. Other treatments that are often performed simultaneously include chemotherapy and radiation. While a plastic surgeon would perform a nipple sparing mastectomy and reconstructive operations, different doctors would oversee the chemotherapy and radiation. An oncologist is the chemo prescriber and the radiologist would oversee the radiation. Some reconstruction possibilities include:

- Implants: A plastic surgeon can reconstruct the region with medical devices called implants. These are filled with either silicone or saline solution. They may be placed immediately or in a later surgery after an expander has been used to stretch the skin.

- Flap surgeries: There are various flap methods that surgeons use to move skin and tissue from one region to the chest to create mounds that resemble breasts. There are DIEP, TRAM and Latissimus flap procedures. The regions where tissue is brought from may be the abdomen or the back.

- Nipple reconstruction: If the nipple wasn't spared, there are ways to recreate a nipple and areola after the original operation has healed. A doctor may take a tuck with a suture or cut a star-like incision in the area. A tattoo in a deeper skin tone would be applied to create the areola.

When a patient has breast cancer, there are various options for treatment. One of them is the nipple sparing mastectomy; others are more radical. The operation that is chosen will be an individual decision depending on the patients' need.

A nipple sparing mastectomy is a great option for women who would like to retain as much of their original anatomy as possible. If you would like to learn more about this procedure: http://www.breastcenter.com/.

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What Are the Breast Cancer Stages?

Breast cancer stages form the basis for a proper and systematic pattern of breast cancer diagnosis and give a rough idea about the intensity of tumors formed in breast areas. Stages of cancer also help to know the approximate chances of elimination of tumors so that an apt breast cancer cure can be recommended accordingly.

Breast Cancer Stages in Detail

Stages of cancer explain the pattern of growth or tumors in a systematic manner depending upon analysis of various breast cancer causes and the kind of cancer symptoms displayed by the victim. They also help to understand the location of tumors and the damage they may cause to the victim's body in future.

Cancer stages are closely related to chances of survival of the victim. Life expectancy of a person depends mainly upon the stage of the disorder she is suffering from, and each stage has different rates of survival. Also, the form of treatment to be undergone by the victim depends upon the stage of malignant infection. Usually the treatment is light in initial stages while its intensity increases as the victim progresses from lower to higher phase of cancer. A person may undergo high mental and physical sufferings in the final stages as the treatment pattern gets considerably aggressive. Also, the chances of survival are lowest in final stages and a person may also suffer from cancer recurrence.

Cancer stages can be identified on the basis of output obtained in the diagnosis process undergone by victim. The disease can be safely eliminated if a person initiate cure as soon as the tumors get detected. Any delay in the process may allow tumors to metastasize rapidly and make their elimination difficult. Stages also determine the pattern of post-treatment care to be undergone by a victim and the kind of support one needs in future to tackle the disease.

In most of the cases, stages of cancer progress due to faulty treatment pattern or ignorance of victim in following necessary lifestyle and dietary pattern. Strong immune system is the biggest defense to cancerous development and plays a vital role in limiting tumors to a certain stage.

Main Stages of Breast Cancer

Stage 0 is the most basic stage and is a general indication of cell abnormality. It is difficult to judge presence of cancerous growth at this stage.

Stage 1 is a condition in which the infected cells start to invade tissues. Tumor-size is less than 2cm and no damage is caused to lymph nodes.

Stage 2 is a phase wherein the tumors spread to axillary lymph nodes and their size is between 2cm and 5 cm. They also try to invade tissues further.

Stage 3 is a phase of breast cancer in which the cancer moves further from axillary lymph nodes. It spreads to chest walls or breast skin and may also invade lymph nodes near breast bone or collarbone.

Stage 4 displays the spread of tumors in wide areas of the body and metastasis takes place at the maximum possible pace. Tumors may spread to lungs, lymph nodes present at distant locations, liver, abdomen, skin or even the brain.

Breast cancer stages are the main indicators of seriousness of cancerous growth and should be examined carefully. Proper cure pattern should be followed in accordance with the mental and physical condition of the victim.

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Alternative Healing For Cancer - On-Going Checkups

Whatever cancer treatment we have decided upon, once the initial treatment is over we still have to have regular health check-ups to see how we are going.

Let us look at some of the methods of testing on offer and compare safety aspects and/or accuracy.

Generally doctors offer Ultrasounds, Mammograms, CT Scans or MRI's.

Ultrasound imaging, or sonography is a non-invasive scan and does not use ionizing radiation (X-rays). Part of the body is exposed to high-frequency sound waves in order to produce pictures of the inside of the body. These images help doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions.

Although there are no known harmful effects on humans, ultrasound, for various reasons is not suitable for testing on the bowel, or on large patients and has difficulty penetrating bone, therefore is not a definitive test for the detection of cancer.

A mammogram uses low doses of radiation to scan breasts and is a diagnostic tool that screens the breast for possible problems and for hidden lumps. This test is highly promoted for the early detection and therefore prevention of breast cancer however, there are some downsides to mammograms, apart from the radiation exposure.

If a woman has high breast density then the mammogram can appear normal even though breast cancer is present producing a false-negative result. Mammograms miss up to approximately 20% of breast cancers that are present at screening.

On the other hand false-positive results can occur when a radiologist believes a mammogram is abnormal but no cancer is actually present.

Significant stress can result from both of these miss-diagnoses, indicating that mammograms are far from ideal as a screening tool.

With CT scanning, numerous x ray beams and a set of electronic x ray detectors rotate around you. It is often the preferred method for diagnosing many different cancers, since the image allows a physician to confirm the presence of a tumour and measure its size, precise location and the extent of the tumour's involvement with nearby tissue. This is a good test but the body is exposed to radiation with this test and it is expensive.

An MRI scan uses magnetic fields, radio waves and a computer to take pictures of the inside of your body, but does not use radiation like the other scans mentioned. This is also a good test but very expensive.

Often, mammograms, CT Scans and MRI's are used when symptoms are already there, like an unexplained lump, but what about a safe, non-invasive test for extremely early detection of breast cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease and other cancers before a lump or other symptoms appear?

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is such a test. DITI detects subtle physiologic changes in your body. It uses no radiation, is painless and has no contact with the body. This test allows the practitioner to visualize changes in skin surface temperature by using an infrared scanning device which converts infrared radiation emitted from the skin's surface into electrical impulses which can be seen in colour on a computer monitor.

The benefit of this test is that it can alert you to breast disease (and other disorders) much earlier than the usual self examination, doctor examination or any of the aforementioned tests.

DITI can offer protection from cancer developing by detecting and monitoring abnormal physiology years before you, your doctor, mammograms, X-ray, ultrasound, CT scans or MRI's are able to pick up anything.

This 15 minute test is valuable for alerting your GP or specialist to the possibility of underlying disease, meaning that preventative measures can be taken to stop any cancer before it develops.

If we understand the options available, it will enable us to make informed decisions regarding our on-going health status which is critical following a bout with cancer.

I am a cancer survivor. I used natural alternative remedies to beat my cancer and continue to explore all alternative options regarding healing cancer and on-going maintenance after treatment.

For more information Click Here

My Story Here

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Hypnosis Speeds Up Recovery From Cancer Operations

An article published in The Daily Mail on June 14th, 2011 caught my eye. It was entitled "Hypnotism 'speeds up cancer op recovery'." This article went on to discuss the positive results of some recent research conducted by a group of Belgium anesthetists with patients who were undergoing breast cancer surgery.

This is not the first example of such research being carried out, and neither is it the first that has produced positive and powerful results. Hypnosis has been found to aid recovery from many a serious physical ailment or surgical intervention, and many cancer operations thankfully fall into this paradigm.

How can hypnosis help one to recover more quickly from a serious surgical intervention? There are in fact many areas in which hypnosis can assist. The first is that a relaxed patient is inevitably a better patient. The second is that a patient with a positive expectation is also a better patient.

The powerful effect of hypnosis spreads further however then these two basic although hugely important predictive factors. Research has shown time and again that the use of hypnosis can lead to the patient feeling more comfortable throughout the operation, spending less time in the recovery stages, healing and getting back on their feet more quickly.

When you begin to think about it, these effects are potentially quite huge and a patient has absolutely nothing to lose in making the decision to use hypnosis to assist in their surgery. The use of hypnosis is not an either/or choice whereby you give up the chance of an alternative option; rather, it is a complementary treatment that can only enhance other more mainstream forms of assistance. There are no negative side effects, and so it's got to be worth a try.

The more positive you are in using hypnosis, the better the outcome will usually be. As stated before, a willing patient is a better patient and this is equally true of the application of hypnosis as it is of any other type of medical treatment, intervention or therapy.

If hypnosis is a strange or new idea to you in relation to surgery then I suggest keeping an open mind and reading up on the subject. It is also true that a well-informed patient is a better patient!

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for health and well-being.

P.S. Discover how you can relax and focus your mind with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.

Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from http://www.roseannaleaton.com/ and check out her library of hypnosis mp3 downloads and health hypnosis mp3s.

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Breast Cancer Patient Clears a Conflict With EFT

"Belinda", a woman in her middle years, recently learned that she has breast cancer. She switched to a raw foods diet and immediately started losing weight. She also started seeing different therapists. I explained to her that EFT could help her clear any conflicts that she was having, including any blocks she has to healing.

Though Belinda lives close enough that we could have done a session in person, we decided to do a phone session to save time. The way that I like doing EFT is to get to the biggest underlying issue, and for Belinda her biggest conflict centered around spending so much time taking care of her elderly parents that she hasn't allowed time to take care of herself. The intensity of the conflict was a 10, and when I asked her where it was located in her body, she replied that it felt the most intense in her throat and third eye. Then she noticed that it had become entangled in all of her chakras.

When we did up the set-up phrases we included statements such as, "Even though:

There is a part of me that doesn't think this is going to work, I love and accept myself.I doubt that this will work...It's a juggling act with a few too many balls in the air...I have this conflict with taking care of my parents and not taking care of myself.I haven't been taking care of myself...

During the first round, we used "It's a juggling act" as her reminder phrase. I could hear her laughing when she repeated, "It's a juggling act." After each round of tapping I asked about the intensity level in her chakras, reminding her that it had been a 10 when we started. At the end of the first round, the intensity dropped from a 10 to an 8. We talked a little more, and it seemed that it might have continued to drop, so I repeated my question. It had dropped to a 6.

To determine what her "sweet spots" were, I asked which of the points that she had tapped on felt particularly good. She came up with four points that stood out for her (her collarbone, side of the eye, above the lip and the top of the head). I told her that in the future, when feeling any anxiety or frustration, she can tap or press on her sweet spots for instant relief.

The next round of tapping brought the intensity down to a 4. I could hear her yawning over the phone. I reminded her that yawning is a release. She said that she was feeling more relaxed as she tapped.

On the third round, she tapped on all the responsibilities that she had with her parents, and how she had forgotten about herself. She also shared how she hadn't taken care of herself, and that she would eat a carton of Häagen-Dazs ice cream for dinner. One of her set-up phrases was, "Even though I used to eat a carton of Häagen-Dazs for dinner, I love and accept myself." At one point as we were tapping, Belinda blurted out, "I'm important!" and so we finished the round with her tapping on "I'm important!" Her intensity dropped to a 2.

Belinda shared with me how she was getting other people involved with all of the jobs that she had been doing for her folks. She was going to continue to lessen her load and shifting her focus to taking good care of herself.

With her final round of tapping, we didn't use any set-up phrases (because the intensity was less than 3). We started with, "I am important!" I encouraged her to come up with her own affirmations as we tapped. The affirmations included:

I am importantI remember I am importantI take good care of myselfI countI make time for fun (she really liked this one)The cancer is dissolving as we speakWe have fun at my Titty Party (she had told me she was going to have a breast party)I am healthyI am whole and complete

Belinda was really laughing after this last round. Her intensity dropped down to 0. She said that she was feeling really relaxed. I asked if she was familiar with Louise Hay's work, and she said she had several of her books. I shared this affirmation that Louise uses for breast problems.

Caregivers have to remember to take good care of themselves or they can end up getting sick themselves. It truly is a balancing act to take care of oneself and to take care of parents. Belinda is learning how balance her own life with her obligations of taking care of her parents. Now she has EFT as a tool with which to help herself.

JoAnn SkyWatcher is an energy healer. She uses Spiritual Mind Treatment, Visualization, Conscous Breathing, and Emotional Freedoim Techniques. She is author of Touched by a Miracle: EFT Healing Stories. JoAnn primarily works via phone. For a free 15 minute consultation please call her at 707-462-2501. To learn more about JoAnn visit her website at http://www.joannskywatcher.com/.

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Riding the Mammogram Guidelines Roller Coaster

Have you made your personal peace with the 2009 U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommendations that annual breast screening should begin at age 50, rather than the previously recommended age of 40? Well, not so fast. Here comes another set of recommendations, this time brought to you by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). The ACOG is recommending that doctors should offer all women in their 40s the chance to get annual mammograms.

The crux of the difference between the two groups recommendations is the age at which annual mammograms should begin - age 40 or age 50? Unlike the ACOG, the USPSTF's recommendations are based upon a broad comprehensive look at the numbers, numbers which clearly fire up emotions when we inevitably associate them with our loved one's. Dr. Michael LeFevre, from the USPSTF, breaks it down like this:

It's about balancing the benefits and the harms of a test. LeFevre explains that of every 1,000 40-year-old women, 30 would be expected to ultimately die of breast cancer if they never had a mammogram. If those 1,000 women are screened every other year between age 50 and 75, (as recommended by USPSTF), that number drops to 23 deaths. Starting screening in the same group at 40 instead would save one additional life, meaning 22 would die of breast cancer, on average.

What if that one additional life is our's!?

Part of the numbers analysis is all those women getting annual mammograms from age 40-50 who are not saved from breast cancer in the process but who potentially suffer through numerous false-positives and painful biopsies, and who potentially increase their risk of developing breast cancer due to the cumulative radiation exposure that comes with an additional 10 years of annual mammograms. Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC's chief medical editor, further point outs that because most women's estrogen levels are still fairly high at age 40, their breast tissue is still generally quite dense, making it hard to distinguish irregularities on a mammogram. So are mammograms the best method of monitoring women's breast health before age 5o?

One woman writes into the Today Show's mammogram Q&A section with the following:

"Does anyone else ever look down at their breasts like they are ticking time-bombs?"

That was definitely me prior to my prophylactic double mastectomy. Now I wasn't your "average" woman with an average risk of developing breast cancer, not as a BRCA2 carrier whose grandmother, mother, aunt and sisters had all battled breast cancer. It was upon learning that I was BRCA positive that I finally felt like I had the specifics I needed to make the decision that was best for me. For most women, those at "average" risk of developing breast cancer, there are little or no specifics, just fear. Disagreements between those we look to for guidance just adds to our anxiety.

What do you think about the lack of unity in voice regarding mammogram guidelines? Does it discourage you? Confuse you? Impact your decisions regarding your own breast screening?

Susan Beausang, President, 4Women.com

Susan Beausang is President of 4Women.com, Inc. and designer of the patented BeauBeauR head scarf, a fashionable scarf specifically designed for women and girls. The Beaubeau unites the worlds of fashion and medical hair loss. 4Women.com's mission is to help women and girls cope with the emotional upheaval of medical hair loss with dignity and confidence and to advocate for greater understanding of the emotional impacts of hair loss. An Alopecian and a Previvor, Susan is bald but cancer-free. She strives to be a source of strength and hope for women and girls with medical hair loss. Learn more at http://www.4women.com/.

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What Are Breast Cancer Wristbands

It has become usual for people to tell the world about the causes that are close to their hearts through jewelry and various forms of accessories. What was once a colored ribbon pin has altered into other decorative yet issue-conscious touches like breast cancer wristbands. A cancer wristband raises awareness and money for the fight against breast cancer. It is one of the best new fundraisers for the said kind of cancer. It's most likely the one you'll see everywhere. It is typically colored pink simply because it is the most appropriate color for a wristband, symbolizing feminine strength.

More than a means to raise money and awareness, a breast cancer wristband is also an emblem of caring. Apart from being a splendid adornment, it is also economical that even kids can afford to purchase them. It only costs a few dollars. No doubt, you'll surely be doing something of brilliant value if you get all of your friends to buy one of these wristbands.

Historically, this style of bracelet began with Lance Armstrong's yellow "Live Strong" design that raised funds for general cancer research, and other styles quickly followed. They became popular for they are cheap, yet stylish and many give one hundred percent of the proceeds to their respective causes. For your convenience, they can now be purchased online or from any trusted retailer. More often than not, they display messages, like "Love - Hope - Faith", "Support Breast Cancer Research and Education" and the like, embossed on them. In addition to pink, they may also come in different colors, depending on the association or charitable trust that promote them.

Just like anyone suffering from any sort of illness, women who suffer from this particular cancer, likewise need all the support they can get. The more people who wear cancer wristbands would mean that more people are aware of the disease and are willing to remember and support all those who have died due to this disease. They pay tribute to all the survivors of this disease; people who have lived through the disease and survived it should never be forgotten. Sometimes they are bought by families in order to support a member of the family who suffers from such disease. With every member supporting a breast cancer patient in a family, a great difference is made in terms of morale on the patient's side as well as the family members'.

In general, breast cancer wristbands are beneficial in two ways, namely:

a. Wearing a breast cancer wristband is a good way to make a statement and help a worthy cause

b. Organizations raise millions of dollars every year to aid win the fight against cancer by selling these wristbands

Indeed, YOU can make a difference; YOU can help! Purchasing and wearing these wristbands imply that there are steps taken and a quest for information on the disease is there, which may favor research. Not to mention, it adds pressure on the government to provide more funds for breast cancer.

If you want to promote breast cancer wristbands in October or around the year but don't know much about cancer awareness rubber bands, visit cancer resources for patients website for detailed information.

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Relationship Between Birth Control Pills and Breast Cancer

Breast cancer and birth control pills seem to be related closely since both are concerned with a common user, women. Many studies conducted the world over claim that the two are related. But so far, no link has been established to support such claims.

Birth control pills are contraceptive pills used by women to put off unplanned pregnancies. The main ingredients of the pill are female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones when ingested work in order to control the function of uterus and ovaries by preventing the process of ovulation. If no eggs are available for fertilization, conception will not occur. The pill also ensures that the mucus lining of the cervix gets thickened and hence, does not permit entry of the sperms into the uterus.

Breast cancer occurs due to multiplication of the cells in the tissues of the breast, thus forming tumors. The contributing factors for this tumor are probably life-style or other genetic factors. The female hormones enhance the multiplication of cells resulting in the formation of tumors.

Birth control pills were introduced as a method of contraception in the 1960s and are still regarded one of the safest means. Studies conducted on oral pills for contraception have brought out contradictory reports. Some doctors believe that the hormones used now as compared to those used in earlier times for preparing these pills are different. These increase the risk of cancer. When the ingestion is stopped, the chances of getting cancer also get minimized.

Chances of occurrence of cancer in women who have a family history of breast cancer are higher. According to a study presented by the American Medical Association, women who take contraceptive pills and have a family history of breast caner are almost eleven times more susceptible of getting breast cancer. Many scientists believe that this could have been true till 1975 since the pills produced till then had high progesterone and estrogen levels.

Some studies state that women aged 35 years and above and consuming these pills have a higher chance of developing breast cancer. Since the pill is hormone based, the side effects of consuming it will exist. In many cases, while the main intent of preventing unwanted pregnancies is achieved, side effects like breast cancer may come by.

Medicines have different effects on different bodies depending on the individual's constitution. Although contraceptive pills have not been proved to cause cancer, it could do so in some women depending on their body reaction to such pills.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in health and fitness. He also offers top quality articles like:
Breast Cancer Signs, Inflammatory Breast Cancer

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