Raw Food Diet For Cancer Patients

I was reading the other day again from Dr. Robert Morse's book the chapter about raw food diet for cancer patients. And I was once again amazed by the breakthrough information presented in a very condensed form, but still very easy and interesting to read.

What I want to stress in this short article is an idea which I think is important in the light of so much information about raw food and cancer patients that is now available on the internet.

And that idea is that the raw food diet for cancer patients is different from the raw food diet for other health conditions.

Now, I don't want to say that there aren't certain raw foods which are stronger in their effect on cancer than others.

But, the point I am trying to clarify is that a raw diet will help heal any type of illness, including cancer.

So, if you make the transition to the raw lifestyle you will also be on your way of regaining your health if you have been diagnosed with cancer.

A real story comes to my mind right now.

A man was diagnosed with cancer. And after following the traditional procedures and treatment the doctor prescribed him, he was told that the cancer progressed and he had only a few short months to live.

So, it was better for him to go home, because there was nothing else medicine could do to him.

As he walked out of the hospital, sad and discouraged, he went through a market.

And there he saw some red grapes. He bought a few pounds and started eating them.

He continued to do this, transforming it in a habit, since he couldn't eat much else of cooked food.

Waiting to die and death not coming, he went back to the hospitals for analyses. After the results came, he was surprised to find out that his cancer was on remission.

You can imagine his joy at this amazing news.

We can rightly say that this man stumbled on the raw food diet for cancer patients.

And that is my point. Don't wait to find a raw diet which is specifically designed for cancer patients.

Start with the best raw food program available to you. Or, start eating raw right away. The benefits will not delay to show in your life.

And then you can get the extra edge with a few more veggies and fruits which you can include in your diet.

Also, juicing is a must for a cancer patient.

Expand on this idea, presented in this article, about the raw food diet for cancer patients. Find out more about Dr. Robert Morse's book and see a video testimony of a patient who had stage 4 breast cancer and now is cured. Visit http://cancerwinner.org/ to find a good raw food program.

Original article

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