Can Being Happier Help Your Fight Against Breast Cancer?

A cancer diagnosis is not something that you can usually put a positive spin on, and if you or a loved one has been given such terrible news is perfectly understandable to be feeling at an all-time low. However, the fight against breast cancer is not only a physical one; it's also an emotional one. Being happier can help your body fight cancer more effectively and suffer less from the expected side-effects of most cancer treatments.

Happy Means a Better Immune System

Have you ever noticed how happy people seem to fall sick less than those who always seem dark and depressed? The chemicals our body produces when we're stressed out or depressed have a negative effect on our immune systems, which in the case of cancer patients under treatment is compounded by the fact that neither radio nor chemotherapy are kind to the body natural defences. Avoiding stress and depression as much as possible can help your body fight cancer more effectively and reduce the chances of a secondary infection causing even more damage.

Feeling Better and Stronger

Many people who have beaten cancer point to being always optimistic as one of the things that kept them fighting until they were given the all-clear and it's not surprising. When you are happy you have more energy and feel better, and can take better decisions about your own health. Your body is also stronger and has better chances of beating the sickness along with traditional treatment, and it's somehow easier to overlook the side effects if you generally feel happier and know that you'll beat breast cancer. Keeping your spirits high is key to helping your body be in top shape when you are fighting cancer. And if you need to take difficult decisions such a surgery it can also help you adapt better to any changes on your body consequence of treatment.

Psychosomatic Side Effects

It's not only that being happy helps your body fight cancer more effectively: Being depressed can harm your chances as your body will reflect your mood in a myriad of small, but annoying, side effects. For example, you may discover that stress gives you a headache, which prevents you from sleeping properly. If you don't sleep well, you are depriving your body from the time it needs to recover and do all sorts of maintenance tasks, lowering your general health and making it even more difficult to deal with your medication and the physical symptoms of cancer. And this just makes sleeping even more difficult. Staying optimistic and keeping in mind that cancer can be beaten is vital to avoid this.

How to Keep Your Spirits High

Learning to live with cancer is not easy, but many people find that the small things are the ones that help the most. Being sure you are surrounded by a support network for family, friends or other breast cancer patients through your local breast cancer support association can help, as do reading funny breast cancer quotes or practicing meditation and moderate physical exercise such as attending yoga sessions. If you don't let cancer depress you you'll be increasing your chances of recovery and feeling better all the way through your treatment.

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Breast Reconstruction Surgery Immediately Following A Mastectomy

Many women diagnosed with breast cancer will undergo a surgical procedure, called a mastectomy, to remove one or both breasts. After the mastectomy, some women will choose to undergo reconstruction surgery to rebuild the shape and appearance of the breast. Often, breast reconstruction surgery can be performed immediately following the mastectomy. This procedure occurs during the same operating room visit as the mastectomy so that the patient does not need to come back for more surgery.

With a mastectomy, all of the breast tissue and often, some surrounding tissue, are removed. Sometimes both breasts are removed, often as a preventive surgery for women who are at high risk for developing breast cancer. Losing one or both breasts can be both physically and emotionally devastating to the patient. Fortunately, many women are able to undergo reconstructive surgery to give them the pre-surgery appearance they desire.

Women who want reconstruction can choose to have it done while they are still under anesthesia from the mastectomy. Recent studies have concluded that immediate reconstruction does not delay post-operative chemotherapy, increase recovery time or hinder the diagnosis of local cancer reoccurrence. Many women choose to have reconstruction immediately after mastectomy so that the entire process is complete with one surgical experience.

Breast reconstruction helps to restore symmetry to the patient who has lost a breast to a mastectomy. In addition to rebuilding the lost tissue, the remaining breast may undergo a lift, reduction or augmentation to improve the symmetry of both breasts. Your surgeon will be able to make recommendations for a natural and balanced look that will help you feel confident and secure.

During this procedure, the surgeon may use skin and fat from your abdomen and back to reconstruct the breast mound. A saline or silicone gel implant may be used in combination with this technique. The method used will often be determined by your anatomy, desired results and personal preferences. It is important to note that the patient will not have the same sensation in the reconstructed breast as a natural one. It will feel different or unnatural, depending on the implant used. The patient will notice visible incision lines from the mastectomy and reconstruction.

Losing one or more breasts to cancer can be a very emotional experience. Often, a woman's breasts are closely related to her self-esteem and sexual confidence. With immediate reconstruction, the woman does not have to worry with breast prostheses or other devices that give the illusion of breasts. Reconstruction ensures that the woman has the shape and figure that will allow her to wear the clothes she wants and feel confident with her appearance.

Not all cancer centers have qualified surgeons that are able to provide reconstruction in conjunction with a mastectomy. You will need to talk with your cancer specialists about your desire for this procedure to determine what options are available for you. Your physician will be able to go over the risks and benefits of reconstruction immediately following a mastectomy.

Breast cancer treatment can have a big impact on a woman's emotional and physical health. It is important that you get the care and treatment you require to fight this disease and to live as a survivor. Breast reconstruction is one way to help women feel better about their post-cancer body and improve their quality of life.

Laura Mims is a writer for FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital, which specializes in oncology, cancer care and cancer treatment in Pinehurst, North Carolina.

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2 Self Tests In the Fight Against Women's Breast Cancer

Statistics already published for 2010 show that more than one and a half million women worldwide were diagnosed as having some form of cancer. Out of this number, twenty five percent have been shown to have breast cancer - a really scary and horrendous one in four women.

The remaining seventy five percent represent all the other forms of cancer, of which there are many. Some of them are well known, such as skin cancer and lung cancer, while there are also some very obscure forms of this often fatal disease. Some have high cure success rates, while others do not respond well to the various treatments available.

It is therefore of the utmost importance that we women take great care of our bodies because, as we all know, we are the backbones of our families. We are wives, mothers, friends, cooks, cleaners and more, all rolled up into one strong human being who take the best possible care of our husbands and children. Even if we do not feel 100% well, we get up and do what has to be done; and it is for this reason that we need to get to know our bodies - so that we will know at the very outset if something is not quite right. Call it women's intuition.

The 2 tests that women can do at home to check for breast cancer are:
Test #1 is the easiest test - and one which has been proven to be highly successful - is that of self examination of one's breasts. You should do this once a month while lying on your back of a firm surface, such as a bed. Starting at your nipples and working in ever increasing circles, palpate or press your fingers into the breast tissue, almost as if you are playing the piano. Do this in the middle of your menstrual cycle, between your periods, so that any lumpy tissue associated with your period will not give you any cause for concern. By making a habit of doing this self examination every month, you will get to know your own body and all its lumps, bumps and idiosyncrasies. Should you ever feel something unusual that was not there last month, or if you think that a certain bump has grown larger, you should make an appointment with your doctor at soon as possible.
Test #2 is to check your nipples and is just as easy as test number one. Check to see if there is any discharge which may ooze (permanently or sporadically) from your nipples. Another test which is an indicator of breast cancer is if the nipple begins to turn in and is 'absorbed' by the breast instead of standing out proudly.

Remember, breast cancer is curable if detected in its early stages and mortality rates are increasing year on year. You stand every chance of surviving this awful disease and being there for your family for many years to come - but only if you take immediate action.

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Safe Indoor and Outdoor Tanning Helps Prevent Breast Cancer

I covered myself with moisturizer, stepped into the stall, pulled the door shut behind me, grabbed the overhead straps and WHOOSH... sun lamps flooded all sides of my body. As their warmth gently enfolded me, a fan whirred overhead, keeping the temperature at a very happy level.

Suddenly the lamps shut off; my three minutes were up. Sadly, I stepped out of my sun stall, put my sweats on over my lubricated body and went home to take a real shower.

No I am not insane; just better informed, healthier, and slightly more tan than I was yesterday.

For the past seven years, I have relentlessly studied the known, probable and possible causes of invasive breast cancer. In 2007 I created a national non-profit organization that teaches women lots of safe, effective and inexpensive ways to help stop breast cancer before it can start.

I soon discovered research on how increasing vitamin D3, the sunshine vitamin, is a powerful way to strengthen your body's ability to block the growth of any breast tumors, not to mention prevent or relieve asthma, allergies, some skin conditions, colon cancer, depression and auto immune diseases. After completing a more extensive review of the vitamin D3 literature, I understood that maintaining a tan throughout the year, while supplementing with vitamin D3 can be the most effective way to raise and maintain blood levels to a protective level. Once you get enough of this special vitamin, (it's actually a hormone that our bodies synthesize from UVB tanning rays) your immune system gets stronger and stronger.

Over the past twenty years, dozens of research biologists and epidemiologists have understood that one major reason New England women have higher breast cancer rates than women living in southern states, is because the northern winter sun's UVB rays are too weak to enable the skin to produce vitamin D3.

A few years ago, Cedric Garland, an epidemiologist at the Moores Cancer Center in San Diego, found that raising vitamin D3 blood levels to 60ng/ml-80ng/ml makes breast cells interlock or stick together, enabling healthy cells to knock out any neighboring mutated or pre-cancerous cells through a process called apoptosis. Using this knowledge, computer models indicate that breast cancer will become a rare disease within the next 20 years, once women are able to reach and maintain that magical 60-80 ng/ml vitamin D3 blood level.

Dr. Joseph Mercola M.D., founder of, the leading natural health website with 1.4 million subscribers, and Dr. Marc Sorenson, director of the Sunlight Institute, believe that maintaining a tan, using outdoor and indoor light sources, is the most efficient and effective way to raise and maintain these protective D3 levels. According to a 2004 study by Michael Holick, the nationally known Vitamin D3 researcher at Boston University, people who used indoor tanning had vitamin D3 levels 90% higher than people who avoided sun lamps. Holick's tanners also had significantly higher bone mineral density than their un-tanned or pale-face peers.

So ignore those TV ads by sunscreen manufacturers and those magazine articles (paid for by the same advertisers) about the need to use sunscreen all the time. Chemical sunscreens, a $640 million business in the U.S. alone, block UVB rays, the very rays we need to naturally make vitamin D3. Constant use of chemical sunscreens, by children and adults alike, can also block their ability to develop a decent tan, the one natural sunburn protection enjoyed by our ancestors for centuries.

Holick recommends that light-skinned people who burn, but never tan, use an umbrella in the summer for best protection. Since their pale skin does not block any UVB rays, they actually produce vitamin D3 very efficiently! Reflective sun light and supplements are all these pale faces need to reach significant D3 blood levels.

But those of us who tan easily, especially African Americans, Italians, Greeks, and Hispanics, need much more outdoor and indoor unprotected tanning time because it takes our darker and darkening skin tones longer to absorb enough of those UVB rays to create healthy vitamin D3 levels.

What about melanoma? Recent studies show that people with the highest risk for this deadly skin cancer include folks who drink a lot of alcohol every day, don't eat many leafy green vegetables, and/or have low vitamin D3 levels.

"As more and more Americans work indoors full time, and as more sunblock is used each year, U.S. melanoma rates continue to sky rocket; but people with high levels of vitamin D3, do not develop melanoma," said the Sunlight Institute's Sorenson.

Once U.S. doctors begin to understand the incredible immune support offered by higher vitamin D3 levels, they may stop recommending sunscreen 24-7 to all of their patients. As physicians begin to focus more on preventing disease naturally, instead of quoting corporately-supported pro-sunscreen articles, they will hopefully encourage their patients to become nourished by UVB rays, sensibly gained through limited outside and indoor tanning sessions.

So let the sunshine in!

Susan Wadia- Ells PhD is founding director of the National Breast Cancer Prevention Project/ Know Breast Cancer,, sponsors of the 2012 Essex County (MA) & & Key West (FL) Busting Breast Initiatives...teaching women 3 EASY WAYS to help stop breast cancer before it can start. To begin an Initiative in your community or for more information on Know Breast Cancer's work, email

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Red Clover And Breast Cancer - Is It Safe Or A Threat?

Indications are that red clover extract can behave in such a manner as to inhibit estrogen, but also increase the production and spread of ER positive breast cancer cells.

Now this is where it gets confusing.

Because it seems that, depending on the situation, this herb can either promote or prevent cancer.

An isoflavone present in red clover called biochina a is believed to protect the body from developing breast cancer. So far nothing is written in stone because there still have to be more studies done to evaluate and determine whether or not this information is accurate.

On the other hand, it has been shown that when it comes to prostate cancer, red clover actually prevented the growth and development of normal prostate cells, and took things a step further by increasing the resistance of cancerous prostate cells to high dose radiation.

So for patients with prostate cancer, the last thing they want to do is take red clover.

In favor of red clover, there is a theory that isoflavones protect against breast cancer, as with biochina a, but there is still the possibility that they can have an adverse effect on breast tissue, leading to the development of this type of cancer.

In at least one study, indications are that the effects of red clover's isoflavone supplement did not add to mammography breast density, compared to other studies in which it has shown that hormone replacement treatments do increase mammography breast density.

Let's clear this up: mammographic breast density has been tied to the risk of breast cancer. Other evidence shows that breast density increases when a woman has hormone replacement therapy (hrt) and will then decrease when such therapy is stopped.

Also, in the interest of their own protection, women with a history of breast cancer, which also includes those who have undergone major breast surgery, should not take it.

Indications are that HRT is tied into a greater risk for breast cancer and also an increase in mammography breast density.

Soy and phytoestrogens have been proposed as potential natural alternatives to HRT, but none of this has been proven as yet.

However, it is worth stressing that there is still a strong likelihood that red clover and breast cancer are linked together.

It is usually recommended that patients with hormone-sensitive cancers not take red clover because it can raise estrogen levels. These include estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Patients suffering from any estrogen-sensitive diseases should avoid the herb too. In other words, play it safe. Until further studies are completed, this is the best advice that can be given.

To learn more about red clover and breast cancer, as well as reviews on supplements for women in menopause, please visit my website today.

Ruolan is an advocate and researcher on the benefits of all natural supplements for menopausal symptoms. Visit her website to learn well-researched facts and her honest reviews on menopause supplements on the market.

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The Best Way To Reverse and Prevent Chronic Diseases - No Half-Truths Please!

I recently read and replied to a magazine article written by an R.D. about how plant-based diets are effective in can "Curbing Cancer." It was a good article, but like almost all articles I read that celebrate a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, her article told only half the story.

She suggested 5 essential plant-based foods and 5 key nutrients that are vital to health. Then she concluded by saying that "a plant-based diet generally contains less cholesterol and fat and more fiber. So, the eating plan that best fights cancer also fights heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke and obesity. Now that's a diet we can all live with!"

In my reply I commended the author for her advocacy of a plant-based diet, and I agreed with her conclusion. But here is where I feel she only told half of what we have learned from recent research.

I specifically talked about the elephant in the room which nobody is willing to talk about, and which is becoming more apparent as our disease epidemic is quickly becoming a pandemic.. The elephant I am referring to is "Animal foods". The elephant in the room is Meat, Eggs, and Dairy Products. Why do I say that?

The most ground-breaking disease research ever completed in history is the recent research on the direct cause and effect relationship between the foods we eat and the diseases they cause.This research, published in a book by the title, is The China Study, a massive multi-year project that was completed by a world class team of researchers in the early 1990's. They were testing the hypothesis that chronic diseases are triggered and develop because of inadequate animal -based protein in human diets.

Their extensive study included 170 diverse research population groups, and every group produced identical results, which in itself was remarkable. And to the surprise of all the researchers, their hypothesis was totally incorrect. But even more amazing and ground-breaking was the study results that revealed a clear-cut cause/effect relationship between eating animal products and diseases.

When all the data was compiled and analyzed, they discovered that the groups that consumed under 5% meat, eggs, milk and cream, of their total food intake, had virtually no diseases present of any type whatsoever. And inversely, and to their amazement, the groups that consumed greater than 5% animal foods (of their total food intake) had developed a full range of chronic diseases, like cancer, coronary disease, diabetes, osteo-arthritis, auto-immune diseases, and every type of chronic disease we are experiencing in America (over 200 types). As if that wasn't specific enough, the study results inserted it's own exclamation points throughout the data, because it revealed that the higher the percentage of animal foods in their diet, the greater the types and the severity of the diseases they had developed.

Today, in the United States we average 15-16% of our food intake from animal-based foods (way beyond 5%). so, based on the study findings, It's no wonder chronic diseases are overwhelming us. And we are dispensing this prescription for destroying health, this epidemic of animal saturated fats, cholesterol, and excess protein consumption, that is producing a mushrooming epidemic of these same chronic diseases all around the world. How are we doing it? - by the aggressive, cancerous growth of animal-based fast food restaurant chains.

For example, the people of Okinawa, in southern Japan, who have eaten a plant-based diet for centuries, and that have never experienced any detectable level of chronic diseases, now 2 decades after the introduction of McDonalds, KFC, and Dominos animal-based foods restaurants, Okinawans are experiencing the same proliferation of chronic disease we have in America..

And to make the growing tragedy even worse, there clearly is a conspiracy of silence in this regard that is being driven by the medical industry and the media which is fully complicit in this silence. I indict big medicine for the obvious reason that if they wanted this ground-breaking news to be publicized, it would be all over the media. It is being suppressed - no other conclusion can be drawn.about the utter silence about this most significant break-through in disease research in history. The China Study was published 2 decades ago, and the book The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, was published in 2006, over 5 years ago.

I know it's absurd to pose the questions: Why would doctors be keeping this totally free miraculous prescription that would reverse and prevent chronic diseases from their suffering and dying patients? Why wouldn't they prescribe a dietary solution to disease of simple fruits and vegetables, and a significant reduction in the toxic intake of meats, eggs, and dairy products? More revealing yet, why would doctors willingly give up their lucrative commissions from pushing medicines that are just as, if not more, toxic as animal-based foods?

You may not have known before about The China Study, for whatever reason. But now you know, and you will have to choose to follow the party line of never specifically naming what the China Study clearly reveals causes chronic diseases. You will have to decide to passively participate in the big lie, or decide to be a courageous truth teller. I invite you to join us as we pull back the curtain to expose the lies and half-details that propel this skyrocketing disease epidemic to wreck havoc on millions of innocent lives and destroy our national health.

I thank you for your article and your commitment to health and to ending disease,

Terry W. Kent, founder and director,

The Health and Nutrition Center

Terry W. Kent, BA, MST., is an expert nutrition and disease researcher, author, blogger, speaker, and the Director of The Health And Nutrition Center. To watch a brief award-winning video about reversing and preventing chronic diseases, go to To see other related articles and videos, and receive Terry's latest special reports, go here:

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Awareness Leads to the Path of Well-Being

As you know breast cancer has become one of the most widespread diseases across the globe, it's high time to raise awareness and improve your lifestyle to reduce its risk. It's an unfortunate dilemma that there is no cure found for this disease but there are certain risk factors that can be managed to control and reduce the breast cancer risk. Since there are a large number of factors associated with breast cancer, you need to know what factors are controllable and uncontrollable.

Factors that cannot be controlled

· Gender: Your gender is one of the greatest cancer risk factors. Women are at higher risk of getting this disease compared to men. Although, men do have the risk of getting breast cancer but these cancer cases in men are very few. If you are a woman, you need to be aware throughout your life. An improved awareness can be helpful in detecting any possible abnormalities, which might be signs of breast cancer.

· Age: Research has shown your chances of getting cancer of breast increase with the increase in age. Research has also shown that older women have twice the risk of getting breast cancer as compared to women in their 40s. More than 80% of breast cancers are found in women above 50. This means that you need to improve your awareness as you grow older. Being an older woman, you need to perform self-examination on a regular basis to become a breast aware woman.

Factors that can be controlled

Now let's talk about factors that can be controlled to reduce the cancer risk. There are many factors that can be controlled and managed to evict the chances of getting this dreadful disease. The most important factor is the lifestyle factors. When you talk about your lifestyle, there are a number of factors like eating habits, physical activities, alcohol consumption etc. One of the main factors 'diet plan' is mentioned below:

· A healthy diet plan: It is a fact that a healthy diet plan is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet plan consists of healthy food choices like fresh fruits, green vegetables and whole grains. These food items contain vital nutrients and vitamins that cover the nutritional deficiencies of your body. Not only this, a healthy diet plan keeps you healthy and fit. You will not put extra weight on your body, if you strictly follow a healthy diet plan along with a healthy exercise plan.

James is a blogger and writer. He usually writes about breast cancer, breast awareness and breast examination. You can contact him directly at

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Get To Know Breast Anomalies With the Help of Self Breast Check

Being a woman you must be careful about the most sensitive part of your body breast as it is naturally prone to change throughout the life. All changes are not natural and due to various environmental, hereditary and dietary factors certain other changes take place as well and they are known as unusual changes or breast anomalies.

Breast Anomalies

Any change that is unusual and does not come into the category of normal changes should not be overlooked. Women of all ages should have information about usual and unusual changes so that anomalies can be identified promptly. Some of the breast anomalies which can be observed by women during self breast check are listed below

· Lumps of different sizes and types as some lumps are hard while others are soft to touch. Some lumps can move and have edges, but some are round and fixed.

· Swelling in any part of breast or armpit

· Nipple discharge of any color and type can be significant of breast cancer

· Nipple retraction, scaling and inversion

· Skin changes of any type such as appearance of dimples and wrinkles

· Changes of size, shape and contour

· Consistent breast pain

Women can notice all these changes if they are breast aware and perform self examination monthly. Monthly examination not only improve their awareness about the normal feel and structure of breasts, but also help them to catch the anomalies as they take place.

Self check is not difficult to perform and a female of 20 years old should perform it monthly because breast cancer can invade any woman regardless of age, but most of the cases are diagnosed in older women so they are advised to attend regular breast cancer screening so that anomalies can be detected when they are too small to be observed by other means of examining breasts.

Screening is offered to women without symptoms as the purpose of screening is to diagnose more and more cancer cases at initial stage when they are easily manageable and can be treated successfully. Those who attend regular screening sessions and also perform self examination reduce the chances of late detection and death with breast cancer.

Self examination should never be performed as diagnostic procedure and it is also wrong to replace it with other modes of examining breast as each method intends to make early detection probable so use a combination of different methods to catch the anomalies as soon as possible.

James is a blogger and writer. He usually writes about breast cancer, and breast examination. You can contact him directly at

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Set Your Mind at Ease With Improved Awareness

As you know awareness leads to a better understanding of your breasts especially when you carry out self-breast examination. You can only improve your breast awareness if you regularly check your breasts throughout your life. Do you know the importance of self-examination? Many women do know but they do not know what changes to look for while carrying out this examination. Below are step by step instructions to perform self-examination of your breasts along with changes you need to observe during this examination:

Self-examination of breasts

An easy and effective method of performing self-examination of your breasts is while lying on a bed. At night you have plenty of time to check your breasts and know their normal feel and look.

· Undress from the waist up and lie down on a bed.

· Place a pillow under your right shoulder and position your right arm under your head.

· Make a pad of three middle fingers of your left hand and move it over your breast.

· Make circular motions and check how your breast feels normally.

· Apply three different pressure levels i.e. light, medium and firm pressure on your breast using your pad.

· Do not cause pain in your breast while applying these pressure levels. Move the pad gently over all parts of breast.

· Repeat all above steps for your other breast and rest of chest area. Make sure you note down all of your observations during this exam on a notepad.

Remember that you need to bide your time and observe the normal feel and look of breasts in detail. It is important to share your observation with your GP so you can get a proper diagnosis or treatment if required.

Know the changes you need to look for during self-examinationof breasts

It is equally important to know what changes to observe during this examination so you can effectively carry out it. Changes you need to look for are mentioned below:

· Change in the size or shape of your breasts. It is normal to have one breast larger than the other one.

· Change in the position and shape of the nipples.

· Nipple discharge

· Inverted nipples

· Puckering or dimpling of the breast skin

· Swelling under your armpit or around the collarbone

· Persistent pain in any part of the breast

· Rash on or around the nipple area

. Lumping or thickening in any part of the breast

You should consider these changes during examination.

James is a blogger and writer. He usually writes about breast cancer, breast awareness and breast examination. You can contact him directly at

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Cancer: Bald, Burnt and Tired

"Learning to befriend the dark means learning to befriend nothingness."

"Our experience of nothingness can be personal or political; they can be at times the most affirming and unitive experiences of our lives and at other times the most devastating and earth-shaking experiences. What is certain is that our nothingness experiences are never superficial. They are always rock-bottom, radical, of our roots." Matthew Fox

36 radiation treatments later, bald, burnt and tired I was dropped off of the conveyor built of cancer treatments. Close to one year had passed since I was first diagnosed with cancer. Grateful, I was ready for my reward, a cruise to Alaska.

Except for feeling self-conscious about my baldness, I was delirious with gratitude. Oh, the many levels of thoughts and feelings that simultaneously occur within each of us are truly stunning.

I asked my daughter if she would mind if I went to the Captain's dinner without covering my head. Wigs hurt and hats are too cumbersome for dress up attire. She said that she wouldn't mind at all.

I was surprised to learn it wasn't the baldness that mattered so much as it was the attention drawn to me by friends and acquaintances in my own community. That frightened me. Made me want to hide. Made me feel ashamed. Among strangers, I was proud of my baldness. My bald head was a badge of honor. It said I had survived, I had made it. I was strong. Cancer defeated!

Make sense did you say? No, it didn't make sense. But then, cancer doesn't make sense. The competing parts that make every individual the person that they are only make sense collectively, but individually, parts only make sense as we come to understand the intent of each part. My spiritual self was in conflict with the vulnerable part of myself that wanted my hair back.

Don't get me wrong, hair matters. Hair Matters!

I recently heard of a ten year old boy who lost his hair through cancer treatments. He did not want to go to school because he felt ashamed. Then ten of his friends rallied around him. In support of their friend, they too cut off all of their hair. Talk about heroes. They are my heroes.

Hair matters!

Then there is the story of a little dog whose owner had him completely shaved for the hot summer months. When the little dog got home from the groomer, he ran as fast as his little legs would carry him straight under the bed and would not come out for two days.


And yet! Hair seems so incredibly trite in the scheme of life, within the infinite mystery of creation. Are you kidding me? Hair?

Against the backdrop of the Alaska beauty and the peacefulness of the cruise I reflected. Aside from my vanity, what had I learned? What needed my attention? What mattered most?

While I wanted to live, I was also ok with dying. I was truly at peace with dying while at the same time, I felt compelled to review all aspects of my life. Where did I need to make changes?

I knew that I wanted to do a better job of staying present in my own life. Often, I would get caught up in the drama of my children's lives thereby diminishing my life. I needed to remind myself more often that my children were living out their choices, their problems, and their consequences.

If I were to die, my greatest desire was that my relationships were healed. I wanted my heart to be free of any resentments that may be lurking in the recesses of my heart.

I wrote out relationship inventories searching for places still needing amends or where I needed to ask for forgiveness.

I wrote endless gratitude lists.

I had learned that at some fundamental level I was connected with every living thing including my cancer cells. I loved that I had fallen in love with my cancer cells as I posted in the blog entitled Cancer: The Dream. They were part of nature, part of God's creation.

God remained a beautiful mystery. Everything and Nothing all at the same time. I knew with certainty that whatever He/She/It was, I was also, like a wave is part of the ocean.

I wanted to be sure my husband knew that he was my best life choice.

From my roots I learned the radical blessing, "To trust nothingness." To trust the infinite, unknowable mystery. I loved. I accepted. I was grateful!

What have been your rock bottoms, radical experiences?

Did any of these situations force you to let go, surrender, trust?

Dawn D. Novotny LCSW
104-C Hilltop Drive
Sequim, WA 98382
(360) 683-7624

Dawn Novotny LCSW, MTS, CDP, CP, is a clinician, teacher, author, and workshop leader. She is in private practice in Sequim, WA. since 1987. She specializes in systems theory focusing both on the "external" (family, cultural, roles) as well as the "internal" family system (internalized roles, parts, archetypes, ego states, conflicts, etc.). As a clinical practitioner of psychodrama, sociomety and group therapy, Dawn utilizes a variety of action methods. She conducts workshops in CA. and WA. She holds Masters Degrees in Clinical Social work, and theology. She was an adjunct professor at Seattle University. She is a nationally certified psychotherapist-dramatist.

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Cancer, Why Me? Why Not Me Part Two

I have shared in the past that I am a breast cancer survivor. Now I will share that I do not survive breast cancer, I live with metastatic breast cancer. You see, my cancer has gone beyond the breast and now exists in many parts of my body. Having spread to a major organ makes a cancer a metastasis. My breast cancer has spread to my lungs, chest wall lymph nodes, bones in my pelvis and right arm bones. For the past two years I've been treated for fibromyalgia. This was a misdiagnosis. But I won't go into the high rate of misdiagnosis in breast cancer and mets breast cancer. Instead, I will share this. The pink ribbon notorious for breast cancer awareness is no friend to women and the few men who have mets breast cancer. Less than 1 % of money raised for research goes towards studying or finding treatments or cures for metastatic breast cancer. You may ask yourself this, If Susan G Komen began fundraising for a cure in 1998, why more than 13 years later are we no closer to a cure?

This year in March, I discovered that the persistent cough I had suffered for months was caused by fluid in my lungs. On biopsy this fluid was found to be metastatic breast cancer. Further test by PET scan showed the cancer to be in my arm, pelvic area, and chest wall. As of now I have had 4 procedures to drain my lungs. Which is insert a needle into your lung to drain the fluid so that you can breathe. Since diagnosis I have received 5 chemo therapy treatments. My lungs no longer are filling with fluid, I can breathe, and I have energy. The drugs that are used to treat me are Taxol and Avastin. You may have heard of Avastin in the news recently. It has been decided by the FDA that Avastin isn't a drug that benefits patients with mets breast cancer. The original studies found the drug to extend the life expectancy by 5-6 months. The FDA disputes that claim stating that the study really reveals a life expectancy of 1-2 months. I ask you, if you could have 1-2 extra months of life would you take it? I know I would. The side effects of this drug are high blood pressure, nose bleeds, and possible intestinal problems. There are a few a law suits pending due to some of the side effects. This drug will continue to be used to treat liver, intestinal and brain cancer. The same side affects still apply.

Having just learned that the FDA has removed this drug as a treatment for my cancer is frustrating. They say that Doctors may still prescribe the generic form for mets breast cancer treatment. But in fact insurance companies will no longer pay for this. That would mean an average of $100,000 out of pocket from the patient. I am not independently wealthy. This paying out of pocket would not be an option for me. There are no drugs that I am aware of waiting in the wings with as much promise as Avastin has at treating this disease. So far I have completely stopped all tumor growth. My lungs have cleared, and my energy has increased. My quality of life has gone from being sick and weak to being active and energetic. The FDA's decision has left me sad and worried. This is not a place that is healthy for someone who has a shortened life expectancy to be in.

Let me leave you with this, if you have any lumps, bumps or swelling, do not let a Dr tell you it is probably nothing. I had a radiologist tell me this. I asked him, If he had a lump or swelling on his testicle, would he just ignore it because someone told him it was probably nothing. He said he would get it checked out. Of course he would. It is different when the problem is yours and not someone else. So, if you have a lump, pursue getting it checked out. Even go as far as demanding a needle biopsy. It could save your life! If not for the insistence on pre-surgical testing for my recently cancelled breast reconstruction by my cosmetic surgeon, I would still think I had fibromyalgia and would not be receiving medical intervention. Get mammograms, and insist on follow up on anything you find that is suspicious.

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Breast Cancer and Environmental Estrogen, The Connection

Estrogen also spelt oestrogen is a normal hormone in the human body and in females controls the reproductive cycle and also prepares the body for pregnancy. Environmental estrogen is not a normal hormone because it comes from outside the body and is found in many everyday products we use. This environmental estrogen can mimic our natural estrogen and scientists know they can cause health problems including breast cancer.

It's because estrogen that is not found in nature can signal breast cells to divide and the more they divide the more likely they will develop cancer. Breast cells subjected to these chemicals will slowly change from normal body cells to tumour cells. It doesn't happen over night but will slowly develop over a period of 10 or 20 years.

Estrogen is found everywhere in our modern world we live in and unfortunately it is not particularly easy to avoid it. But some you can avoid, as many of them are commonly found in plastic. Two of these estrogenic chemicals are phthalate and Bisphenol A, sometimes called BPA and are in plastic to add flexibility and durability to the product. So avoid drinking from plastic bottles or storing food in plastic containers. Also some processed food tins now days are lined and this lining contains these chemicals as well.

It is also found in many cosmetics such as nail polish, perfume and underarm deodorant. Deodorants when applied to the underarm or breast area can accumulate in the breast fat and cause breast cancer. Phthalates are also used to make polyvinyl chloride which is abbreviated PVC and is in vinyl flooring and plastic shower curtains. A new car smell is actually phthalates vaporizing from the plastic used in the interior linings.

One of the ways that estrogen enters our body is through microwave cooking so never microwave in plastic containers and especially with the thin plastic film called "Gladwrap" The estrogen within the plastic is easily transferred to the food.

Epidemiological studies have shown that 90 percent of breast cancers are of environmental origin and not caused by genetics. As with most chemicals, we all thought they were harmless but we are now finding they are causing many of our modern day health problems. Also these chemicals tend to stay in the body for a long period of time.

I know plastic is very convenient to use but there is other much safer options, such as glass ware or stainless steel which are free of these chemicals. If you are checking labels, you rarely see the words phthalate or bisphenol A on the label of the product unless it says phthalate or bisphenol free.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist who has specialized in how the food we eat and the products we use are related to our state of health. To learn more about the link between breast cancer and the chemical connection and why there is so much of it; visit Alan's web page at;

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Pathway To Wellness, Issue I, Cancer Imbalance, A Personal Journey

When my patients presented with a cancer diagnosis, it became their label. I addressed the label as an imbalance and worked on bringing forth balance to the imbalance.

There were imbalance clues early on for me. Nearly four years prior to my labeled imbalance, I began to feel that my life was not right. There was an emotional pull to do volunteer work. There was a search for righting the path to wellness for my patients and for myself. Emotionally I was searching for something. Nothing felt right. I felt out of balance.

A European cruise became a focus in 2009. Surely that would bring me joy. I was excited about the trip and yet there was still that unsettling feeling. Just one month before my trip I began to notice changes in my right breast. There had been some leaking from the nipple before my last mammogram but it did not set off any alarms.

Later, in my continuing education of my medical license, I would discover this leaking nipple was a very alarming issue and needed to be observed more closely. I believe all things happen for my highest good and this event was unfolding just as it should. I was being guided and I was willing to trust in this process. I set up an appointment for a mammogram for October 9th, 2009. That day altered my life course. I was told by the Doctor that she was 99% sure she was seeing cancer. She instructed me with fear in her eyes and command in her voice that I was to see a surgeon and have an MRI. I phoned my husband from the parking lot to inform him of this diagnosis. His loving guiding words were that I should go back inside and ask for a copy of the test results. I went back in and collected copies. Having the weekend to process this new information, I asked my doctor about the cruise. I found it very difficult to share with my cruise friend that I may need to cancel our cruise. My doctor informed me I needed to cancel the cruise and that they, the doctors, were trying to save my life. Two major alarms rang through my body and mind. First, being the strong lovely lady that I am, how was it someone else's job to save my life and the second was the word trying. "Trying" left room to not succeed. It left a way out. I realized right there and then that I needed to make my own life decisions. The real question at hand was did I want to live or die. I truly contemplated this for quite some time, months and months. I was not afraid to die. The only thing that upset me about dying was thinking of my husband and son. I did not wish to inflict this pain on them. These thoughts brought many tears. I knew in my heart this was about me. What did I truly want and what was my purpose here.

My doctor set up an appointment for me to see a surgeon. Running on fear, supplied by the label cancer, I went to the appointment. The surgeon appeared very attentive and for this I was grateful. I was informed during this time that I needed a bi-opsy. After questioning why I needed a bi-opsy, I was told there was a chance it was not cancer. Well as you might imagine, I ran with this thought. Even though the mammogram doctor had told me she was 99% sure it was cancer. I was running with the 1% chance it was not. The bi-opsy appointment was set up and I arrived on time. Feeling very hesitant about the procedure. The bi-opsy experience for me helped solidify my decision of how to proceed. I walked out of the hospital and decided I was finished with this method of treatment. I left feeling vulnerable and this was not a state I felt I could heal in.

The next appointment was scheduled to receive the results from the surgeon. At this time she confirmed the imbalance was cancer. I was informed due to the size and position of the tumor that a mastectomy would be required. Reconstructive surgery was a follow-up choice. The cancer was stage 2 and during surgery lymph nodes would be removed to see if the cancer had spread further. According to the surgeon this was the only option I had. Knowing nothing is ever 100% I knew more options were available to me. I was also informed I would need radiation and chemotherapy. Appointments were set for me to see an oncologist and a radiologist. Within my soul I already knew this was not my path. The cutting away of the cancer imbalance was not my core issue. My happiness and inner peace was what needed to be addressed.

I started researching other courses of treatment to determine the path I would choose. I decided to begin with two main courses of treatment along with the things I was already implementing, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathics and vitamins. One of the main course of treatments was to participate in an experimental treatment being done in the Bahamas with a laser and an injection. The other was to incorporate raw food, juicing and wheatgrass as a way of life. At the appointment with the radiologist I shared my decision and she asked that I keep her informed of my progress. The oncologist was kind and provided the test necessary for the treatment in the Bahamas. I continued to cry daily for about 10 months. I journaled every morning to release the emotions within me. I wrote a letter to my family sharing with them my new journey and asking that they not contact me. When I was ready I would contact them. I also stopped talking to most of my friends and acquaintances. I was very sensitive to others reactions to my process, knowing most did not truly support my choices. Later I found out friends and family stated they would have opted for surgery. I wanted to be clear it was my soul's message I was following, honoring myself and my core beliefs. After clarifying by passion and foraging ahead, I would be ready to speak with my loved ones.

I received the treatment in the Bahamas in November of 2009 and began my raw food adventure after that. I had been a vegetarian for the most part of 32 years and eating raw was a challenge. Some of my friends have expressed that it was easier for me then it would be for them. Well easy it was not. The kitchen has never been my most favorite place. Although I have always loved to bake, ah the sweet tooth. I eliminated all sugar, fruits and cooked grains from my intake. I eliminated all the things that I now know I have addictive tendencies for. I ate vegetables, juiced three times a day and had wheatgrass twice a day. Sprouts, sprouts, sprouts were my main staple. This challenge added to my emotional instability or presented my emotional instability in yet another view. My life was changing from focusing on the outer world to focusing on my inner being. How scary. I continued journaling, a true blessing. A dear long time friend sent me journals and encouraged me to continue writing each morning. During theses times I was developing new habits. I now had a greenhouse in my life and I was learning the ins and outs of growing sprouts and wheatgrass.

In May of 2010 I started noticing more changes in my breast. The lumps were now visibly growing. Prior to this date I had decided not to follow-up with the treatment in the Bahamas. I was leery of doing the follow-up test and the effects they might have on me. I took a picture of the breast and sent it to the doctors connected to the Bahamas treatment. In June they offered to repeat the procedure and once again I was informed I needed to run the test first. My whole being was screaming no more tests. I decided not to proceed in that direction.

My husband, bless his beautifully supportive soul, was becoming more forceful about me doing some kind of follow-up. This was another turning point for me. One evening he expressed his concerns that he felt doing a follow-up was necessary to know where I was at to determine the next course of action. I literally stood up and put my foot down. I was not doing any more tests and that was my decision. This was another new beginning for me. After stating my thoughts on testing so strongly, I was able whole heartedly to stand by my own convictions. Thank you dear Robert for caring enough to stand beside me.

I began doing radical sauna's and energetic applications. I spent a lot of time alone during this process. Robert and I attended an alternative cancer conference in September of 2010. Many eye-opening moments were happening now. I began realizing one could live with cancer and I gained clarity on my own objective of balance. I experienced a program at the conference that does mind mapping and I had two treatments at the conference. A few weeks after these treatments I realized I wanted to live. I was alive! My heart opened and my friends came flowing back into my life.

My next plan was to have Vitamin C IV's in conjunction with a hyperbaric chamber. Three dear lady friends arrived to assist me with each treatment. I made an affirmation that past June to trust the path that was in front of me and to accept guidance. After spending time with three lovely lady friends I experienced my relationship with my husband in a brand new way. Acknowledging the positive gifts each one of us has to offer is truly joyful. Knowing this and experiencing it are two entirely different things. I now felt true gratitude.

In November of 2010 there was an offer to have a test performed to determine my status. I was not open to receiving the gift of the test at that time. Upon rising one morning in January of 2011, I had the realization that I had been confirming daily to accept. I accepted the gift of the test. It was time. Receiving the results of the test was an amazing moment. I was being told there was no evident sign of cancer. All I could say for days was OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. There were follow-up tests run in May and one of them came back questionable. I followed up with additional tests which showed the original tumor was much smaller. After having the two test compared, I was told that the questionable spot was not evident in the last test. I also at this time had blood work done which came back great.

Then in November 2011 there was additional blood work and another test run. The blood work came back fine however the test showed the imbalance had returned. After a period of adjustment from the news I began focusing on nurturing, rest and rejuvenation. It is so easy to slip back into our old habits in whatever form they show up. I continue to have faith in nature's ability to heal. I accept what life offers as being for my best interest and knowing that this may not always be clear at the moment.

I have had many changes in my life. Learning to embrace these changes with passion and fortitude has taught me the magic of living. My inner voice said, "reflect on your life changing blessings and feel the magic of life's BALANCE!" Linda Novak uses transformational focus on natural healing for her imbalance labeled breast cancer.

With her diploma in Oriental Medicine and her medical license, Linda is using her knowledge in natural, eastern and western medicine to teach and treat imbalance.

A resident of Gainesville, Florida and founder of two Acupuncture Clinics, she uses her degree in Natural Healing along with her study of herbs, homeopathy and the Hawaiian art of healing, Huna, to address her client base. Linda's North Florida Clinics, in operation for more than ten years, provided her with continued study of the transformational philosophies of past and present that have resulted in her "life transformation."

The adventurous spirit in Linda has seen skydiving and free diving opportunities with breathtaking views of the sky and the sea. As an ultra light pilot, she has explored landscapes in a way that many dream about. Linda has embraced the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean islands and has used sense memory in healing. Her inspirational messages and focus is on nature as a healer.

In 2009 Linda was presented with the imbalance labeled breast cancer. She is using her transformational healing to rid her imbalance and delivers a very inspirational account in her upcoming book, Cancer Imbalance.

Linda Novak is a testimony to healing arts. She is married to Robert Novak, mother of two sons and Abby the family dog. Together they all enjoy the harvests of their family greenhouse and the uses of a variety of sprouts and wheatgrass.

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Breast Cancer, A Poetic Perspective

Most people either know someone or know of someone who has suffered from Breast Cancer. Within my family, in the Navy, and in my business career, I have known several courageous women diagnosed with this horrific disease. All made the decision to undergo surgical procedures from lymph node dissection to a mastectomy. Thankfully, all are survivors over 5 years; the longest post-surgery is 40 years, which speaks volumes for advances in treatment.

The Scar is a poem about meeting someone, falling in love, marrying, being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and seeing cancer not as an end, but as a new beginning. I write poetry about Breast Cancer from my perspective as a male and my belief most men respond in a like manner. The Long Ride is a reflection of The Scar from a different perspective and Walk With Me is a poem of love and a journey to understanding. Rounding out this series of poems is my personal favorite Love Remains True.

The Scar

When first we met,

I marveled at your flawless flesh;

nary a wrinkle or blemish did offset.

Until cancer took your breast,

leaving a scar, obvious as a mountain range

upon your once flawless flesh.

The scar a reminder of what had been

and a symbol, not of an end,

but a new beginning of life again.

The Long Ride

It is not outward appearance


love does survive

it is inner beauty

takes love

for the long ride

Walk With Me

Walk With Me

What started on our first day

Will stay to the last

Walk With Me

Feel the wind upon your face

No urgency now

A gentle pace

Walk With Me

Along the beach

With golden sand beneath our feet

As the sun dips into the sea

Tears well

Emotions deep

Breathtaking, unable to speak

Walk With Me

Among the trees

The rustle of leaves

The groan of limbs

As wind swirls

Squirrels scurry for protection

Loving arms hold you near

Until an unwelcome presence passes

Away from here

Walk With Me

Through valleys lush and green

Crested by majestic peaks

Covered with ice and snow

A final journey for the weak

A comfort for us below

Walk With Me

As we have

Your hand in mine

Forever through the span of time

Love Remains True

the initial reaction repulsive

depression for the unknown

dissection takes away disease

healing the process of time

the scar a reminder of what was endured

becomes insignificant through understanding

love remains true

"Cancer Survival Rates" indicate the current 5-year breast cancer survival rate for women is 86% and the 10-year survival rate is 76%. These rates include women of all ages and at all stages of cancer. To narrow the statistical figures, the survival rate for women whose cancer has not metastasized, that is whose cancer has not moved into the lymph system or the other parts of the body is 96%.

Strength provides the component for the will to survive. Belief, for many, is the component providing the strength to prevail and overcome. Research and medicine provide the treatments that allow high survival rates, and hope for the eradication of this horrific disease. The future, is in this life.

In This Life

In this life,

I do not lie in darkness,

I am immersed in light.

"Cancer Survival Rates" may be found at:

No matter what you write, someone will love it.

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Cancer Cure and Cancer Prevention

The book titled: Healing Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to the Process of Healing Cancer takes a different look at cancer in general with a focus on overall health of the body. The book is separated into five main components which are the main components of the overall process of healing cancer. There is also a chapter on the Missing Links for cancer protocols in general, Root-Cause Analysis which identifies the root cause of cancer, and and ending chapter entitle: Life which is auxiliary content.

The chapter on Missing Links discusses Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude, Addressing Failure, Critical Thinking, Self-Education, True Health, and Responsibility. Each of these "missing links" are discussed in detail with an angle that these are mostly missing in today's conventional cancer treatment protocols. Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude are important with regard to healing the mind before beginning a journey of healing the body of cancer. These are critical components to the overall process of healing cancer in which the second chapter is dedicated to this topic. Addressing Failure is also a mental component discussed in Chapter 2.

Critical Thinking and Self-Education are discussed in detail in the Missing Links chapter to acknowledge to the reader that there is more to what we "think" we know from our general education. The premise is that we do not have the general ability to think critically because of how we were educated growing up. Also, most of us only receive a "general eduction" and think we are done learning after our formal education is complete. Self-Education is the beginning of a real education that should start well before our formal "general" education is complete. Unfortunately most of us are comfortable with the general education we receive and coast the rest of our lives. This is somewhat dangerous to our belief system as we are gullible to what others tell us a being the truth.

The final Missing Link is Responsibility which seems to be seriously lacking in our society today of grown, intelligent adults. Responsibility consists of taking care of your own affairs and not having so many dependencies in life. In the context of the book, this has everything to do with cancer and disease in general. We as humans are responsible for our actions and if we are not self-education on health and live a non-healthy lifestyle, we are responsible for the ailments and disease we experience. Dependency on a health-care system is being irresponsible. Using critical thinking and self-education will allow us to depend on ourselves and reverse those ailments and diseases and help live a healthier lifestyle.

Chapter 2, titled: Attitude is the first component of the five regarding the process of healing cancer. It is the most important component and is paramount to the healing process. Those who are suffer from perpetual fear, anger, or depression from getting cancer have a significantly lower change of a full recovery compared to those who engage in consistent positive thought. Negative thought is very important to overcome when dealing with cancer. This chapter gives guidance to overcoming negative thought which involves structuring a formal plan for doing so.

Chapter 3, titled: Root-Cause Analysis is based on the known cause of cancer which was discovered in the 1920s. The German Physicist identified the root-cause as: "The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen for normal body cells by the fermentation of sugar." Cancer becomes cancer when a cell can no longer receive the oxygen it needs to survive. This has been know for several decades, yet the current cancer industry does not support it. This chapter discusses the conventional cancer treatments of chemotherapy and radiation which do not address the root-cause of cancer. An obvious message conveyed is, if you do not know the root-cause of something, how can you fix it?

Chapter 4, titled: Detoxification is the second main component of the process of healing cancer. This chapter discusses the toxic environment we live in and the toxic accumulations that build up in our cells from years of poor diet, daily exposure to household chemicals, and chemicals in our water supply. This toxic accumulation is what is responsible for the lower oxygen levels at the cellular level which can eventually lead to cancer. In essence, the toxic accumulation is partially responsible for the formation of cancer and needs to be removed from the body. The chapter discusses many of the common detoxification protocols as well as what to avoid to limit your daily exposure to these toxic substances.

Chapter 5, titled: Alternative and Complimentary Cancer Treatments is the third main component to the process of healing cancer. This chapter discusses many of the common and popular alternative cancer treatment protocols that most of the population has never heard of. These protocols mainly focus on detoxification and nutrition.

Chapter 6, titled: Nutrition is the fourth main component. This chapter goes into great detail of the foods that you should consume and those that should be avoided. This will seem quite obvious when reading it, yet it is not common knowledge in our society. Organic foods, beverages typically do not contain the toxic chemicals of the conventional similar products. The same is true for non-consumable household products such as cleaners and hygiene products. This chapter also covers nutritional deficiencies and why the majority of the population is deficient in a particular nutrients.

Chapter 7, titled: Exercise is the fifth and final component. This is another somewhat obvious topic but the chapter goes into detail on the lymphatic system and its importance to naturally detoxifying the body. The lymphatic system is the literal sewer system of the body which its circulation is only induced by body movement (exercise). If exercise is not part of a daily routine then stagnation can form in the lymphatic system making things worse with regard to cancer and disease. It is important to implement a weekly exercise routine.

Chapter 8, titled" Life is an auxiliary chapter that discusses the Mind, Body, and Soul and how it relates to the overall process discussed. It suggests that if we do not score high in the mind, body, and soul categories then we are not living life to the fullest potential. There is more to life than just "getting by" and "going through the motions". Those with cancer obviously score low in the body category, but likely score low in the mind and soul categories too. The book and the missing links and overall process to healing cancer should allow everyone to score much higher in these categories. Using the contents in the book gives the tools to start scoring higher in these categories immediately.

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The Ever Changing Screens For Breast Cancer

We've been seeing a lot of NFL players wearing pink this month. Every October, we celebrate our strides against breast cancer and push to make people aware of the disease and help hunt for a cure. Certainly, when efforts such as these have come before, we have been stalwart, and winners against cancer. All one has to do is look back on the 1960's and see the horrible disease that childhood leukemia was, and now, 95% survival rates and 60% remission rates are the rule. Or how about cervical and uterine cancer, and our success against this one time leading cause of cancer death in women, now controlled.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is so important. Over the years it has helped to raise awareness of the severity of the disease in medical and economic impact. Ultimately, we look for ways to save human lives. Much has changed over the years. One has to remember that just not long ago, we "Baby Boomers" watched as our mothers succumbed to the most common death inducing cancer in women, uterine cancer. That's right. Up until the early 1970's, this was the cancer most common in killing women. The fight with breast cancer has been ongoing, with diagnostic screening meeting new challenges around every turn.

In 1959, the introduction of a standard screen called The Papanicolaou (Pap) smear changed everything, and a national campaign to get women into the doctor for Pap screenings created a paradigm shift in the routine care of women when visiting their doctor. With this tool, we eventually discovered that there was a culprit now known as, "The Papillomavirus"; we were able to develop a vaccine against. With this victory, however, Breast cancer became the real malignant villain in taking down women. It has become rampant, involving all kinds of theories as to cause, including everything from medicines, hormones, and lifestyle practices to oncogenetics and environmental exposure.

Controversial guidelines in physical screenings and imaging continue to change. Economically, it seems sometimes that insurance companies drive our screening studies. Basing guidelines on thready actuarial information, they change mammography guidelines constantly, jumping on any information that suggests spending less on screening. Now, a recent study suggests that mammography may not be as important as previously thought in reducing a woman's risk of dying from breast cancer. Coming on the heels of guideline changes from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in 2009, indicating women do not need mammograms in their 40s, this latest research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, adds another "scratch your head" position to the idea that mammograms make a substantial impact in saving lives.

The study, conducted in Norway, showed that women who receive breast cancer screenings have a 10 percent lower risk of dying from cancer, but researchers could trace only a third of this so-called reduced risk to mammograms themselves. Screenings reduced death from breast cancer by only 2.4 per 100,000 women. The Norwegian study followed more than 40,000 women with breast cancer.

American women shouldn't be too quick to back away from recommended biannual screenings for breast cancer for those over age 50, however. Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, feels the Norwegian study was too short in duration. According to Dr. Brawley, "The report's estimate of the relative value of mammography is lower than in a number of previous screening studies". This may be due to the relatively short two year follow-up of the population. Brawley points out, that most randomized trials have at least 10 years of follow-up after the last round of screenings, and many have covered periods of 20 to 40 years.

Dr. Daniel B. Kopans, professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School, agrees and feels the study was incomplete and not long enough in duration. "This study contradicts other studies from the Netherlands and Sweden which show just the opposite, namely that screening accounts for over 60% of the decrease in deaths seen over the past 50 years," he says. "I suspect that most everyone who cares for women with breast cancer would acknowledge that therapy only saves lives when breast cancers are found and treated early."

As a physician, I must add that the ability of doctors to perform a thorough palpatory exam is crucial. Many doctors just have their patient lie down on the exam table and circumferentially feel both breasts and consider them examined. The real physician will ask pertinent questions while examining the "patient", not just their breasts. In addition, the exam should start with a visual exam of the patient and her breasts, looking carefully for skin and nipple changes, and then utilizing maneuvers that force breast tissue to respond to different angles of muscular contraction along the chest wall. This captures lesions deep along the ligamentous attachments of the breasts. This should then be followed with a very thorough palpatory exam of both breasts and the axillae.

I should also comment that regular breast cancer screenings heighten women's awareness of the disease. This leads to early detection and a better prognosis. While the American Cancer Society no longer recommends monthly breast self-examination, I feel current guidelines regarding mammography should not be changed. The total body of science supports the fact that regular mammography is an important part of a woman's preventative health care.

Wear some pink this month,

Dr. Counce

Dr. Counce founded The Conservatory of Medical Arts and Sciences. A non-profit higher education platform institution, The Conservatory of Medical Arts and Sciences began as a medical academy and tutorship to aid local college students in Colorado Springs, Colorado, however, The Conservatory website has grown and now reaches not only a large contingent of college students in the United States, but has reached World Wide. We now have a vast number of supporters and users in Europe, including France, Germany, The Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, and The United Kingdom. Our large base of supporters and students in China, India, Japan, and The Republic of Korea, continues to grow exponentially.

Dr. Counce maintains a regular blog at The Conservatory website called The Searchlight Messenger.
The Doctor is well known to provide a well rounded, leadership level educational experience to any teaching environment. He pursues an attitude of "make everyone glad they met with you today". He commands authority of knowledge, is an eloquent speaker, pursues the student/mentor relationship, and cultivates introspection.

Visit The Conservatory at

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Cancer: Vanity Trumps Fear

Funny how one thinks they will know how they might react when given a potentially life threatening verdict. When I heard women talk about breast cancer, I assumed if I were the one receiving those words I would be terrified. Nope! No at first anyway.

Common sense, maturity and even the possibility of death vanished as vanity prevailed upon hearing my diagnoses of breast cancer in December of 2003. One week had passed since the needle biopsy on my right breast which remained blotchy black, dark blue and painful.

Gripping the phone, I ask, "How much boob is normally removed during a lumpectomy?

"We won't know until we go in and see the size and how much surrounding tissue is affected."

"Could you make a guess? Like will I lose the size of a marble, a ping pone ball, golf ball or maybe....? Ok, Ok, Ok, I'll wait and see". Yea right as I gnawed on my fingers.

Setting the phone down I am assailed by an inner critic shouting, "How vain can you get?" As time would tell, pretty darn vain, in fact, vanity was my constant companion throughout my year of cancer treatment. If I wasn't focused on the chiseling away of the boob, it was the loss of hair, breast reconstruction or how I would ever again wear Victoria Secret bras. But I am getting ahead of myself.

Lips parched, body stiff, my eyes focused on the bright lights of the recovery room. "Welcome back Dawn says the nurse. The doctor will be in soon."

Always hyper vigilant, something in the doctor's voice didn't sound quit right, "You did great, how you feel." Ignoring his question I ask anxiously, "Ok, so how many golf balls did you take out?"

Laughing at my rather childish analogy, he says, "About two ping pone balls." Then his voice changes to a serious tone. "But it is irrelevant because we found more cancer in another quadrant of the breast which will have to be removed. I am referring you to an oncologist in Seattle.

Stunned, I stopped listening. You know it's not good when the doctor says, "I am referring you to...." After several tests, exams, tests and more tests my choices were either a second lumpectomy or a mastectomy as subsequent tests would reveal,

"Patient has multicentric disease which tested estrogen and progesterone receptor positive. A 1.9 cm infiltrating ductal carcinoma and an additional 2.3 cm infiltrating ductal carcinoma with extensive in situ carcinoma extending to multiple margins. Finale pathology demonstrates an infiltrating ductal carcinoma estimated to be 4 cm mass in size approaching the posterior margin within a ½ a millimeter in two areas." Ok, I think, with a lumpectomy I would have maybe a two ping pong size boob left which I could work with but I would always be wondering if ALL of the cancer was removed. That will be two little ping pong balls of a boob out of a starting point of about six ping pong balls, weighed against no cancer left in my body.


Oh thank God! Finally, fear over vanity. Ok, maybe it was just for a brief moment, but still. Choosing the mastectomy I fully intended reconstruction one day. So focused on restoring my chest to its pre-mastectomy state I failed to hear the radiologist say, "Radiation may preclude the possibility of breast implants."

Ah Yes. The power of the mind to let in only what it can handle in moments of distress. I even started thinking about a double boob job. I mean after all, I was 59 years old. What better justification for my shallow parts could my vanity critic part possible need than having a mastectomy? Ok then, I thought, maybe this will be the silver lining at the end of the storm. Off I went on my cavalier (if somewhat delusional) conveyer belt of cancer treatment.

Throughout my cancer diagnoses and lengthy treatment process, I experienced every conceivable emotion. In fact, every feeling seemed magnified. Regrets visited then revisited, sometimes humbled, existential questions manifested, considered then peacefully resolved only to repeat this entire process with every new procedure.

I didn't know then it was a process. I didn't know then all of these feelings were completely normal. Including the vanity. Yes, especially the vanity.

Dawn D. Novotny LCSW
104-C Hilltop Drive
Sequim, WA 98382
(360) 683-7624

Dawn Novotny LCSW, MTS, CDP, CP, is a clinician, teacher, author, and workshop leader. She is in private practice in Sequim, WA. since 1987. She specializes in systems theory focusing both on the "external" (family, cultural, roles) as well as the "internal" family system (internalized roles, parts, archetypes, ego states, conflicts, etc.). As a clinical practitioner of psychodrama, sociomety and group therapy, Dawn utilizes a variety of action methods. She conducts workshops in CA. and WA. She holds Masters Degrees in Clinical Social work, and theology. She was an adjunct professor at Seattle University. She is a nationally certified psychotherapist-dramatist.

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Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer - What You Need To Know Before Undergoing The Treatment

Chemotherapy is generally prescribed as a treatment for patients with early stage breast cancer. It is also the treatment of choice for patients with high-risk metastatic breast cancer. The drugs used in the treatment kill rapidly dividing tumor cells that may be spreading through the body. This helps reduce the risk of the cancer coming back in another part of the body.

Chemotherapy can also be used as the main treatment for cancer that has spread outside the breast and underarm area. It can also be used to shrink a large tumor prior to surgery. The treatment can be administered in-patient, outpatient, at home or a combination of these. Chemotherapy for breast cancer and tamoxifen have been shown to independently reduce the risk of developing a second cancer in the other breast. The risk reduction may persist for at least five to ten years.

Chemotherapy also works best in younger women. This treatment is usually administered between two to six weeks following surgery and continues for total of three to six months. The same treatment is usually given after surgery because it can reduce the chance of the cancer returning. This is known as adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer and may boost cure rates by as much as fifteen percent.

One may therefore conclude that chemotherapy is the initial choice for the treatment of breast cancer. However, there are several factors to be considered before deciding to undergo the treatment.

Before the doctor decides to recommend chemotherapy to his or her breast cancer patient, the doctor would generally take into consideration the age of the patient, as well as her life stage. While chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery may slow the progression of recurrent breast cancer, chemotherapy and radiation can permanently damage ovaries.

Early menopause may set in when the ovaries stop producing estrogen. If a patient is relatively young and plans to start a family eventually, she could first have her eggs harvested for future use before undergoing chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy should not be given during the first three months of pregnancy as it may cause fetal malformations. The treatment has been more widely used in the second and third trimesters, as organogenesis is complete. However, it may still cause early labor and low birth weight.

Other research has shown that chemotherapy may affect a developing fetus in the second or third trimester. If the breast cancer must be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy and if your oncologist deems the treatment may harm the fetus, you may face the painful decision of having to end your pregnancy. This decision will likely depend on the stage of cancer, the age of the fetus and the mother's chance of survival. Be sure to discuss with your oncologist to make sure you fully understand the risks before commencing your treatment.

While the chemotherapy kills the cancer cells, it will leave the patient weak. Your medical oncologist and nurse will discuss possible side effects with you before treatment begins.

To cope with the side effects, be sure to get adequate rest between treatments. Eat non greasy, nutritious food and drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices to ensure that your body is well nourished. Take multivitamins if necessary. Vitamins and minerals to take with chemotherapy for breast cancer would include Vitamin C and D, as well as calcium, magnesium and zinc, among others.

Taking multivitamins with minerals after diagnosis was found to be associated with a 20% lower risk of recurrence and 29% lower risk of breast cancer-specific death compared to never using multivitamins.You may also eat organic yogurt as a way of helping your digestive tract to recover and repopulate your gut with friendly bacteria to boost your immune system.

Click on types of breast cancer treatments for the latest information on the types of breast cancer treatments available. Celine Yong has done extensive research on women's health and beauty. Visit her blog at for more valuable tips on breast cancer treatment.

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'Triple Negative' Breast Cancer

Breast cancers are not all the same and they behave differently. To effectively target breast cancer cells with the right therapy requires that we identify the cancer subtype. By knowing the subtype and which genes the cancer expresses, we know which drugs to use, as different receptors accept different drugs.

While some subtypes lend themselves well to very specific targeted types of treatment, Triple Negative Breast Cancers (TNBCs) do not. TNBCs do, however, respond to other types of treatment. This article looks at the population that is most likely to be in the TNBC group.

Breast cancer tissue is typically tested for specific receptors to estrogen, progesterone, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her2-neu). The presence of any of these receptors, allows for targeted therapy. Targeted therapy utilizes drugs that recognize these receptors, thereby affecting only those cancer cells.

Estrogen or progesterone receptors are treated with what is called endocrine therapy. The most recognized drug used to target either of these receptors is tamoxifen. In post-menopausal women, drugs called aromastase inhibitors (Arimidex, Femara, Aromasin) perform a similar task of essentially blocking the bodies own estrogen from binding to and stimulating cancer cells that may be circulating in the body or at the site of the original tumor.

The presence of these receptors is a favorable prognostic indicator. The presence of the HER2 receptor is actually a poor prognostic indicator, suggesting a more aggressive disease. A relatively recent breakthrough in breast cancer treatment was the discovery of Herceptin, a drug that targets this receptor. While still suggesting more aggressive disease, the use of Herceptin, along with chemotherapy, has had a remarkably positive impact on the treatment of those cancers that posses this receptor.

Triple Negative Breast Cancers (TNBC), don't have any of these receptors. Thus, there is no effective targeted therapy. 10-20% of all invasive breast cancers are 'Triple Negative'. Younger women and African American women are more likely to develop this subtype of breast cancer.

In addition, women with a BRCA1 mutation are more likely to be 'triple negative'. In fact, the diagnosis of TNBC is now an indication to consider genetic testing. In addition, these subtypes of breast cancers respond differently to therapies. TNBC's tend to respond very well to chemotherapy. Thus, the indications for chemotherapy in this subgroup tends to include even small, lymph-node-negative patients.

A major focus of current research is trying to find drugs to interfere with the growth of TNBC, as well as discover new targets that might exist in this subtype. By identifying Support groups of TNBC patients have formed. For information go to

About the Author

Dr. Eric Brown has twice been voted "Top Doc" in the Detroit Metro area. He is certified in breast ultrasound by the American Society of Breast Surgeons, is trained in Oncoplastic Surgery (plastic surgery for the treatment of breast disease), and is a member of The American Society of Breast Surgeons and The American Society of Breast Disease.

Dr. Brown is the Director of the Breast Care Center, as well as, The Center of Excellence Director for Breast Care, at Beaumont Hospital. His clinic is Comprehensive Breast Care in Troy, MI.

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Breasts, Broccoli and Cancer

Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the world today. More than 1.1 million women each year are diagnosed with breast cancer and over 200,000 of these women are Americans. These statistics are frightening especially in light of the fact that we are increasingly being told that genetics play such a major role in the development of cancer. The result is that most women feel helpless. As if getting cancer is as likely to happen as getting the flu.

Fortunately, we are coming to understand that influences other than genetics are far more important in the development of cancer and can even override genetic 'tendencies'. In January of 2008, the National Institute of Health announced that it would invest over $190 million over the subsequent five years into researching epigenetics. Epigenetic processes determine how a gene will be expressed and therefore control growth and development.

Epigenetic refers to the fact that it is the environment of the cell that determines which genes will be turned on and which genes will be turned off. Clearly, if all of the 30,000 to 35,000 genes in our cells were turned on simultaneously, we would not only be totally dysfunctional and unable to sustain life, but we would not even look human. So, it is not the genetic code that influences health and disease but rather the delicate coordination of these genes turning on and off. It is this symphonic interplay of gene expression, which results in the unique complexity of every individual. Even identical twins change differently over time when exposed to different environments.

What determines the environment of a cell? Diet and environmental conditions! Researchers have also come to understand that epigenetic changes can be passed on from generation to generation. So, what you eat and how you live can actually influence how your grandchildren will fare when they are born. This 'inheritance' is far more important than any amount of money or property that one could or would leave. Let health be your legacy.

What in the world does this have to do with broccoli?

There are over 300 case controlled studies, which clearly demonstrate that eating vegetables protects against the development of cancer, specifically vegetables that are in the genus of plants known as Brassica, and more specifically, broccoli. Other vegetables in this category include cabbage, watercress, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi and lesser known ones like Peruvian maca and mustards. As the number of servings eaten per month go up, the odds ratio of developing cancer drops significantly. For example, the odds ratio for breast cancer when five or more servings per week are eaten is 0.58, which is almost a 50% reduction in risk!

Although researchers at the University of California at Berkeley discovered that a compound in Brassica vegetables is a powerful modulator of the immune system resulting in potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer activity, it is Dr. Jed Fahey who has been at the forefront in this explosive area of research.

Dr. Jed Fahey is a Faculty Research Associate in the Department of Pharmacology, Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a plant physiologist who manages the university's Brassica Chemoprotection Laboratory. Much of his work has been in the developing of cruciferous (Brassica) plants as chemoprotective agents.

This information is becoming critically important and supremely relevant today. The WHO announced last year that by 2010, cancer would become the leading cause of death worldwide. The Multinational Brassica Genome Project (MBGP) and much of the research in this area can be found at

Researchers in Italy published in the June, 2005 issue of the Journal of Nutrition that when they mixed cauliflower juice with breast cancer cells, not only did the cancerous cells stop growing, but at higher doses they were actually killed (they exploded), and not by the usual mechanism known as apoptosis. Furthermore, normal cells were not affected because, for some unknown reason, cauliflower has a preference for breast cancer cells over other mammalian cell lines. Even more remarkable is that this same effect was seen in both estrogen-receptor ER (+) and ER (-) cells. There is an obvious implication here that not only are these vegetables protective regarding the development of breast cancer, but they may even be useful in treating cancer once it has arisen.

Metabolism and Detoxification

It is not estrogen that is the problem in breast and other cancers, it is what the liver does with the estrogen...the metabolites. The cytochrome 1B1 enzymes in the liver are stimulated by cigarette smoke, charbroiling of flesh foods, the burning of different fuels as well as many other environmental toxins. These enzymes, in turn convert estrogen into 4-OH-estrone, (E1) a potent genotoxic (cancer producing) substance. On the other hand, 2-OH-E1 is a "good" estrogen metabolite that is produced by the cytochrome 1A1 enzymes of the liver, stimulated by broccoli and its Brassica cousins.

One can easily measure the ratio of the 2-OH E1 to the 16-alpha-OH E1 in the urine over time (24 hours). If the ratio is low, the risk for breast cancer is increased, and if high, the risk is reduced. In fact, one pound of broccoli per day (approximately 500 gms) shifts the ratio significantly. For every 10 grams of broccoli consumed per day, there is an increase in the ratio of 0.8. Therefore, the recommended amount to be consumed for different individuals can be calculated readily, once these results have been obtained. The conclusion drawn by a respected cancer journal is that broccoli is an effective and acceptable strategy to prevent breast cancer.

In addition to the metabolism of estrogens, the Brassica plants stimulate certain enzymes in the liver to enhance detoxification, which is of considerable import since we swim in a sea of carcinogenic toxins.

The liver utilizes two mechanisms to remove toxins, referred to as Phase I and Phase II detoxification. In Phase I, liver enzymes modify toxic substances in order to make them recognizable to Phase II enzymes. In Phase II, a different set of enzymes convert these modified toxins into more water-soluble forms, which can then eliminated through the urine or the feces. The compounds in Brassica plants that make them bitter and give them a strong and sometimes disagreeable odor are actually the active, anti-cancer components. They function as the defense system of the plant, sort of like an 'immune system'. They are known as phytoalexins. These substances are actually modified and used by the agriculture industry to develop pesticides and fumigants.

Chemically, these compounds are known as glucosinolates, which are modified to become isothiocyanates (ITC), the active, anti-cancer compound. An enzyme known as myrosinase is released when these plants are injured which converts the glucosinolates into ITC, hence chewing is required to activate these anti-cancer compounds. The normal gut flora (healthy bacteria) also produces myrosinase, however, most Americans have taken too many antibiotics and other toxic chemicals, both voluntarily and involuntarily resulting in very unhealthy and unbalanced gut flora. So, it is advisable that we all chew thoroughly, just in case.

These ITC compounds, after conversion from glucosinolates, greatly induce Phase II enzymes in the liver, which results in excretion of the carcinogens circulating throughout the body. Although these compounds from Brassica vegetables may modify the Phase I enzymes, they have a much greater effect on Phase II, which is why they are so important. Environmental toxins, such as dioxin (extremely poisonous), have their effect by inducing only Phase I enzymes, which activate many carcinogens. Without the concomitant activation of Phase II enzymes, the results are often fatal.

These Brassica derived chemicals also stop the growth of cancer cells after the initiation phase (cancer cells begin), interfere with promoters that make cancer cells grow (such as estrogen), interfere with angiogenesis (blood vessel growth in tumors), activate apoptosis (cell death) and block rapid growth of cells. This data is found throughout the scientific literature in both in-vitro and animal studies.

There are many excellent supplements containing flavonoids, quercitin, sulforaphanes and the other compounds derived from Brassica plants, but if one wishes to obtain these benefits in the most potent, efficacious and natural way, just eat them. A word of caution is in order. About 97% of these nutrients are lost with microwaving and 66% with boiling. Steaming is an acceptable way of preparing these vegetables for consumption, but raw, fresh and organic will give you what nature intended...a long and joyful life.

Thomas Lodi, M.D., a Master's level psychologist, received his medical degree in 1985 from the University of Hawaii. He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Columbia University and worked for ten years as an internist, urgent care physician, and intensivist (ICU/CCU). After several years of additional training in alternative modalities, he narrowed his focus to integrative oncology. He is a member of ASCO, a Diplomat of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, an instructor and practitioner in Insulin Potentiation Therapy, and he is certified in oxidative and chelation therapies. Dr. Lodi is a licensed Medical Doctor in the state of New York and Homeopathic Medical Doctor in the state of Arizona. At his practice, An Oasis of Healing in Mesa, Arizona, the foundation of the therapies is restoring the integrity of the immune system and organ function through detoxification and proper nutrition.

Please visit for more information.

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Come Forward and Get Screened For Breast Cancer

Do you know there are certain ways to beat the most prevalent cancer disease, breast cancer? There are a number of factors that need to be considered when fighting this dreadful disease, but among them screening for breast cancer is of paramount importance.

Know your breasts with thehelp of breast examination

It is not possible to beat breast cancer if you do not carry out breast examination or mammogram testing on regular basis. Although, breast examination does not help in reducing the risk of getting this disease it can help you identify any possible breast abnormalities right away. Actually, breast examination helps you detect the unusual changes so you can consult your GP and rectify them as soon as possible.

Why it is important to carry out breast examination?

Many people know the importance of being breast aware, but they do not perform breast test because they fear they might develop or find an abnormality. This is not the right decision when it comes to your health and especially when you are trying to beat breast cancer. You need to catch its symptoms as early as possible because early detection means an easy and effective treatment of breast cancer.

Although, breast cancer does not show its signs in its early stages you can detect unusual changes which might be signs of this disease. That is why consulting your GP after discovering unusual changes matters a lot in caring for your breasts.

Know the changes and search for them during breast examination

It is also important to know what changes in breasts might be abnormalities or unusual changes. Below are some changes that you need to look for while checking your breasts:

· Look for change in the size or shape of the breasts. One breast might look bigger than the other.

· Look for a change in shape and position of the nipples.

· Look for nipple discharge.

· Look for puckering or dimpling of the skin.

· Look for a persistent pain in any part of the breast.

· Look for swelling under the armpit or around the collarbone.

· Look for lumpiness or thickening in any part of the breast.

Remember that these changes can be normal for you so you should try to identify those changes that are connected to your monthly hormonal changes. If you feel any of these changes during breast examination please without any hesitation or wait consult your GP for better advice and do act upon it strictly because this is important and it concerns your life.

James is a blogger and writer. He usually writes about breast cancer, breast awareness and breast examination. You can contact him directly at

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