Awareness Leads to the Path of Well-Being

As you know breast cancer has become one of the most widespread diseases across the globe, it's high time to raise awareness and improve your lifestyle to reduce its risk. It's an unfortunate dilemma that there is no cure found for this disease but there are certain risk factors that can be managed to control and reduce the breast cancer risk. Since there are a large number of factors associated with breast cancer, you need to know what factors are controllable and uncontrollable.

Factors that cannot be controlled

· Gender: Your gender is one of the greatest cancer risk factors. Women are at higher risk of getting this disease compared to men. Although, men do have the risk of getting breast cancer but these cancer cases in men are very few. If you are a woman, you need to be aware throughout your life. An improved awareness can be helpful in detecting any possible abnormalities, which might be signs of breast cancer.

· Age: Research has shown your chances of getting cancer of breast increase with the increase in age. Research has also shown that older women have twice the risk of getting breast cancer as compared to women in their 40s. More than 80% of breast cancers are found in women above 50. This means that you need to improve your awareness as you grow older. Being an older woman, you need to perform self-examination on a regular basis to become a breast aware woman.

Factors that can be controlled

Now let's talk about factors that can be controlled to reduce the cancer risk. There are many factors that can be controlled and managed to evict the chances of getting this dreadful disease. The most important factor is the lifestyle factors. When you talk about your lifestyle, there are a number of factors like eating habits, physical activities, alcohol consumption etc. One of the main factors 'diet plan' is mentioned below:

· A healthy diet plan: It is a fact that a healthy diet plan is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet plan consists of healthy food choices like fresh fruits, green vegetables and whole grains. These food items contain vital nutrients and vitamins that cover the nutritional deficiencies of your body. Not only this, a healthy diet plan keeps you healthy and fit. You will not put extra weight on your body, if you strictly follow a healthy diet plan along with a healthy exercise plan.

James is a blogger and writer. He usually writes about breast cancer, breast awareness and breast examination. You can contact him directly at

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