Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer and How to Detect Them

Breast cancer is the second most common and also the second most lethal cancer in women in the United States. It occurs when cancerous cells develop in the breast tissue, most commonly in the milk ducts or glands. The cells grow uncontrollably and, in some cases, they can even spread to other parts of body which are not directly connected to the breast, such as the liver, bones, lungs, and brain. This kind of condition is also known as metastatic, advanced, or secondary breast cancer.

Generally breast cancer shows several symptoms, including:

1. A lump in the breast which can be the size of a pea which persists even after one menstrual cycle. An unusual mass found in the underarm can also be a sign of the disease. Lumps are one of the first and very general symptoms of breast cancer. They generally are painless, but in some cases, sufferers can also feel a prickling sensation. They can be detected by mammography even before they can be felt or seen.

2. Changes in the breast size, temperature, contour, and texture. The affected breast can either swell up or shrink depending on the type of the cancer. It can also show other signs such as orange peel-like skin surface (also known as peu d'orange), flattening or indentation, a marble-like area under the skin, and higher temperature at the affected breast.

3. Pain and the feeling of tenderness of the breast.

4. The swelling of the lymph nodes in the underarm.

5. Changes that can be seen or felt in the affected nipple, such as nipple retraction, burning sensation, itchiness, ulceration, or the scaling of the nipple (which is also a common symptom of Paget's disease). Sometimes the nipple also produces bloody or clear discharge.

All the symptoms and signs can be seen with naked eyes and felt with manual examination. Nevertheless, breast self-exams are not recommended by some medication centers. Consult your doctor about the limitations and benefits of the self-examination before doing it. There are other, more accurate ways to examine the early symptoms of breast cancer, including clinical examination, mammogram, ultrasound scanning, and needle test (FNAC). All of these tests can be performed only by healthcare professionals. You are advised to have the examination(s) regularly, at least once in a year. The best time to get your breast examined is shortly after the end of your menstrual cycle since your breast will be in the most normal condition (not swollen or tender), making any abnormal changes easier to detect.

The detection of early symptoms of breast cancer is necessary for immediate follow-ups. Visit our site to get more info about how to detect the early signs and symptoms of the cancer.

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The Pros and Cons of Alternative Cancer Treatment

I am writing this to anyone out there who has like me, joined the cancer club. I currently have breast cancer. I am not however, doing conventional treatment. I'm not having chemo, radiation, nor have I had a mastectomy. I am using an alternative cancer treatment called Protocel.

I first found out about Protocel from my gynecologist. Shortly after my diagnosis, his office kept calling me asking, "Can you come in today? Can you come in tomorrow? Can you come in on Friday? When can you come in?" I thought, "Why does my gynecologist want to see me so bad?" I was quite busy setting up appointments with an oncologist and for my chemo treatment, so I didn't get back to him right away. Finally, I went in to see him. He told me to research Protocel on the internet and to consider alternative treatment for my cancer. I was so impressed by what I read online that I decided to forego conventional treatment and use Protocel instead.

Many times when I tell people what I'm doing. I tell them, "There really are non-toxic alternative cancer treatments that really do work! Really!" The internet is full testimonies of people who were sent home to die, or supposedly had incurable cancers like pancreatic cancer who used Protocel, or some other alternative treatment and were cured. Yes, I use the word CURED!

Lately, whenever I see some famous person who has cancer I want to contact them and tell them to look into alternative cancer treatments. Recently, I saw that Steve Jobs has pancreatic cancer. I actually Googled him to see if there was a way that I could email him, but I couldn't find anything. Maybe by an intervention from God he will read this article.

Anyway, I wanted to write about the success that I'm having so far. In May 2011, I had a PET scan. It showed that my numbers had gone down from the previous PET scan that I had in October 2010. The radiologist also said that my numbers are so low that he really is not too concerned about me. He also said, "Keep doing what you're doing." Last December 2010, I had an MRI. It showed that my lymph nodes had cleared up and were now cancer free. This is HUGE because cancer spreads through the lymph nodes. If all this, "alternative cancer treatment business," were nothing but hogwash, I would not be showing improvement with these very conventional tests.

The downside of doing alternative cancer treatment is that you're kind of out there on your own. Most doctor's are not familiar with alternative cancer treatment, and will only recommend conventional treatment. You need to become your own expert. Doing alternative cancer treatment means going against your doctor's advice, and that can be a scary thing. You have to gather up your courage, and be assertive and firm in your resolve. It is also important to remain respectful of your doctor, and keep a good relationship with them. I have found that most doctor's are very caring individual's, who truly have their patients best interest at heart. They just want you to survive!

If you or someone you love has been given a grave cancer diagnosis, at least look up alternative cancer treatment on the internet. BE INFORMED! There are so many different types out there that it might be hard to decide which one you want to use, but if you do decide to use a powerful alternative cancer treatment, you just might surprise everyone and live

That day in my gynecologist's office he recommended a book to me called, "Outsmart Your Cancer." That book is full of information about many alternative cancer treatments besides just Protocel. That book has become my cancer Bible. I refer to it again and again. If you would like to order the, "Outsmart Your Cancer," book, Cick here; http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=zwRI8v/cR0k&subid=&offerid=229293.1&type=10&tmpid=8433&RD_PARM1=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.barnesandnoble.com%252Fs%252Foutsmart-your-cancer.

For more information about Protocel as well as other alternative cancer treatments that really do work, I mean really do CURE CANCER, check out author Laurie Bassart's website http://alternatives4cancer.com/?page_id=27

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Breast Cancer - How Dangerous Is It?

Breast cancer or tumour is a dangerous health condition which must not be overlooked. This condition begins insidiously but ends up destroying more cells and organs than one could ever imagine. It is therefore important for every woman above 20 years of age to have her breasts examined from time to time.

What exactly is breast cancer?
It is the cancer that occurs in the breast tissues, especially in the ducts and lobules. It is not only limited to the females alone: it also occurs in males, though not very common.

The human body has a mechanism for regulating cells and tissues proliferation. This mechanism ensures that old tissues serve their life span and then die off to be replaced by newly produced ones. This helps to make sure that only the number of useful cells is maintained by the system at any given time.

However, there are situations whereby the hormone in charge of this balance gets things wrong and allows the cells to multiply in excess. The old cells that need to die off are still there and new ones are created. This excess leads to the formation of lumps or abnormal tissue which may be different from the parent cells or are distinguishable from the surrounding tissues. When this occurs, a tumour or cancer is said to have occurred.

Tumours occur in different parts of the body such as the brain, colon, testes, lungs, bones, etc. but when it occurs in the mammary gland it is referred to as breast cancer. However, it must be noted that not all tumours are dangerous to one's life. This is because some of them do not grow beyond the mere tiny growth you see and they do not also spread to other organs of the body.

Types of Tumour
Tumours are basically of two types - Benign and Malignant. The benign tumours, otherwise known as innocent tumours are those ones which do not grow excessively; they do not infiltrate other cells or tissues and they are not likely to recur after they are removed. Most times they are easily removed by chemotherapy or other methods of treatments without posing any danger to health.

Malignant tumours otherwise known as Cancers are the ones that do a great damage to one's health because they are able to invade and destroy tissues. They spread to neighbouring tissues and even to more distant sites through the lymphatic system and the blood. It alters the tissues of other organs by replacing them with its own cells. It is metastatic. Most times it is difficult to control them with chemotherapy especially if not detected on time and treatment started early.
So when the breasts are involved, the primary place of growth starts in the ducts or the lobules. This could sometimes bring about discharge of milk even when the individual is not breastfeeding.

What are the Types of breast cancers?

These include invasive cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), papillary carcinoma and colloid carcinoma. Papillary and colloid carcinomas are not as dangerous and invasive as the DCIS.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

1. Hardening of the breast tissue
2. Dimpling in the breast tissue
3. Retracted nipple
4. A change in shape or size of the breast
5. Red, scaly, swollen skin over the breast, nipple or areola
6. Pain or tenderness over a portion of the breast, nipple or areola.

The afore-mentioned signs and symptoms are indications that one may have breast cancer. However, they are not conclusive since other conditions can mimic this condition by presenting similar signs as well. Therefore the best thing to do when you notice any of the symptoms is to quickly see your doctor for thorough investigation.

Join My Health Forum to learn more on how to take care of your health. Joseph Ezie Efoghor is a Registered Nurse and Safety Officer. To get more of his write-ups, visit http://www.africannursesforum.com/blog

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